The Audi Of Broken Dreams

They told him to land on Runway 28A, but the pilot thought they told him to land on “28, eh.”

The damage looks supraficial.

I’m going to victim blame here and say that house shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

I think you meant “see you at the Crosstour”

Another Skyline responsible for leaving big skid marks:

I don’t understand the appeal of burn outs. Sure there is noise and smoke, but I own a stereo and a fireplace if I need both at once.

Right? “I hit something at 60MPH and my car caught fire. Subaru sucks”

He lived... to blame the car.

Yeah, the Subaru stories are more about Subaru owners than the cars themselves.

The first WRX story is idiotic....he’s against WRXs and Subaru because he bought a POS modified one....OK. Also the second one, he hits a deer and flames....any car could do that.

No, no no no, and no. I worked in a shop. I worked in several shops. I managed a shop. Hosing people with pressure washers, holding them down and beating them, and setting them on fire is NOT “common social environment for [a] shop.” And if you think that, then you sir are the one who is “already fucked up.”

I do

You are an asshole of the highest order. Mental illness is no joke, nor is bullying. Someone lost their life.

Not just the minority, I think you’re all alone here. Which is surprising, because normally psychotic assholes have a way of congregating on the internet.

I think I’ll be in the majority and call you a fucking idiot.

When I think of “hazing the new guy”, I think of harmless practical jokes. Trying to convince him to go ask the parts store for something stupid like a muffler bearing, moving things while he’s not looking, stupid little things like that.

This makes me irrationally angry.