The Audi Of Broken Dreams

The driver in the Camry is a real dick. And I had a good laugh when he hit the rail. But the driver in the story I’m linking to may be the biggest dick on the road.


You win the internet. Not only did you speak the truth, but you actually went with the single greatest wagon style of all time. You, sir, are a winner. A gentleman and a scholar.

Stereotypically offensive or offensively stereotypical?

This. Is going to be. Fucking. AWESOME.

Says the jackass who goes by the name of heroin as a handle... that tells me all I need to know about you.

All the assholes trying to talk shit about the guy because of his weight... screw you. You do not know what he has going on, and you do not know him. Stop judging others you don’t know. Dickheads.

I can already smell the Facebook comments in response to this headline. You’re writing about cars and car related things, and that is going to make people irrationally angry. It will be hilarious.

Was it 3 passengers plus the driver or the driver and 2 passengers? But either way, fuck this guy. There’s showing people your cool car, and then there is just being a pompous dick.

Yeah, pretty much this.

There is a lot more to this case and the others filed against him than are talked about here. The guy has done more than “just” sexually harassing one woman. Realistically, if you are the kind of asshole that finds it acceptable to sexually abuse others, you should be able to lose everything. But they made an example

This guy is a sleezy piece of walking shit. Fuck this guy.

In a kinda/sorta related topic... imagine a next generation A-10. God damn that would be hot.

Who’s cutting onions? I said no onions. Someone is definitely cutting onions right now.

Things just got a whole hell of a lot weirder.

Now playing

I can’t be the only one that thought of this

I knew somebody who once hit a light pole like this. He said that it broke and flew in the air so effortlessly that he couldn’t believe it. Then he had to pay a shitton of money to replace it. But yeah, they are designed to break and fly in the air so as to avoid what would be the same as hitting a tree.

I got used to it and actually grew to really appreciate it. But man, it was always so much fun to watch visitors dive for safety when a plane would do a low flyover. And after a while, the planes all began flying much higher than they did when we first moved in, so the noise was easier to work with

You know what’s really disrespectful? Lines of 727s (pre-hush kit) flying just 30 seconds apart of one another, about 150 feet above your house, from 12am to 6am. Those things sucked.

That’s absurd. When I was a kid, we moved to a house that ended up being directly under an ultra-busy flight path for planes landing at an ultra-busy airport. We just dealt with it. I could always tell a 727 was on the way, because holy shit those things are loud, so I just patiently waited for it to pass over (low