Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.
Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.
For what it’s worth, he also covered 100% of the cost of building Gillette Stadium out of his own pocket.
I like to think that those signs part way up that ramp just say “Don’t Panic”
First gear: I don’t think the problem is that “luxury” cars only have branding to differentiate themselves nowadays. It’s normal for features to trickle downmarket until today’s entry-level models are better equipped than yesterday’s luxury car. Feature-wise, modern Lincolns, Cadillacs or Acuras are still (slightly)…
I think it’s also important to consider the effects of male models engaging in gas fights. That must account for a few closures a year, at least.
Now, I can buy a brainwashed super-assassin spending decades on the fringes of society hunting down the secret government agencies who manipulated him.
Particularly the engine, which holds explosions.
It is the emoji people use to signify a phallus.
Man, remember when Discovey had actual educational/informative programming? I’m old.
If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.
OPPO saves lives!
I work in this neighborhood. They are a shockingly large number of brilliant people who work in this neighborhood. The only thing more shocking is their appalling lack of common sense in real world situations, like railroad crossings.
But since when has a Boston driver payed attention to lights or a horn?
Actually, a small freight engine pulling a few freight cars comes through that crossing during the middle of the day about once per day, usually in the afternoon around 4 PM or so.
It’s rare but you do see it occasionally. The Ringling Brothers circus train is probably the most famous user.
Welcome to Boston. Where 8 out of 10 drivers are fucking morons.
40mph on a bicycle can get exciting. Especially if you consider what happens if you crash.
62 mph in my 1981 Corolla felt like 110 in my Sienna.
Also the rise of the cell phone
yeah well, Janice in accounting DGAF!