You sir are the problem.
Yep, I do this daily on my I-90 commute in/out of Boston. Also, people seem to get over to the left as soon as they get on the highway which often leaves a clear right lane.
The try guys aren’t about gay panic, they are about painting gay panic as completely ridiculous. They are about showing people that, just because you are easily freaked out about such a simple thing, that doesn’t mean there is anything actually wrong with it. The try guys almost always realize that there isn’t…
Are they, or are dogs just the best?
Be careful of how quickly you push your shopping cart around the grocery store, it might end up with a red-and-blue vinyl wrap and camera mounts.
Jalopnik, you are slipping. You didn’t answer the all-important question:
helicopter flight is just applied telekenesis. if the pilot ever stops believing that they can fly they they immediately burst into flame and fall from the sky.
You shut your mouth. Helicopters fly by pure magic.
That escalated quickly
Dammit Tyler, everytime you post one of these articles, I know I’m going to get no work done for an hour or so. And for that, I thank you.
There are two sides to every coin. Cops are people, and like people, good and bad.
Honestly, I enjoy the long-form writing he does. These video snippets are okay for Gizmodo or Sploid I guess, but there’s not a lot of information here. The visuals are nice, but they don’t really add much in terms of content, and I think all the regulars here really enjoy eating up as much information as they can…
How about finding some videos original sources, with it’s original sound so we can be spared from copious amounts of Dubstep?.
Really depends on what you’re watching. I feel like most sitcoms I could just listen to the audio like an old-timey radio show and still be almost equally entertained.