Marketing, legal, and subsidizing fares.
Marketing, legal, and subsidizing fares.
“Is a thing” is perhaps the most over-used Millennial phrase in existence... How about we instead say something like this?
You don’t send humans out to a barge with a multi-story building sliding around on it. You send contractors out to a barge with a multi-story building sliding around on it.
One roll of prevention is worth 16 cans of cure?
Can confirm. Drive an EV with 80 miles of range on a good day (summer – more like 55-60 these days) and have a 25 mile daily commute. Wife has a regular ICE car. I have never, ever charged my EV anywhere other than our home with a standard outlet (so not even a Level 2 charger). Drive it everyday to and from work, run…
Folks, the interviewee is NOT saying we only need 400 stations. He is saying that it takes 400 stations merely to have one station every 75 miles. Then note that he says we have to scale from there (meaning that those locations have to have more and more chargers installed as more EVs are on the road).
I prefer to truther flu claims. Seems every damn person that comes down with something between October and March has influenza. After all, it’s flu season, so there is no possible way you could become infected with any malady other than influenza during flu season. I’d assert a large percentage of people that claim…
Funny, but these cars have some of the highest trade-in values in their class.
Except you just know the 71's OS is going to slow it down after the 72 comes out; “to maximise operating life”. Better get air traffic control to do the famous speed check before and after.
Wonderful fucking timing Lockheed!! I just purchased a SR-71 last month! You know what, fuck the 72. I’m just going to wait for the 73.
My advice: the grass is rarely greener. While Apple devices are my primary ones, I use Android/Windows (Surface) daily, and they all have their problems.
As someone who works in insurance, I gotta go with fire. Fire is bad because the fire itself destroys your shit, but there’s also smoke. Smoke fucks things up, too. On top of that, water is used to extinguish the fire. As your list notes, water also fucks houses up.
Shut up Clooney.
It’s all about that overhead bin space. If I have my roll-aboard I’m on the plane as quickly as possible so my bag doesn’t disappear into the cargo hold. If I don’t have my roll-aboard I am the last person the plane.
The logic of early boarding, or lack thereof, kinda depends on whether the “elites” are headed to first class or the general cabin.
If you travel for business constantly you learn how valuable overhead bin space is because the last thing you want to do is check your carry on. Usually when you land you have to get to work and on the way back all you want to do is get home so you want to be damn sure you bag has room. Board first = your bag gets on…
but have you seen parenthood? he was lovely in parenthood.
That line of traffic is a constant at that ramp, and people always cut in. The traffic is slow there because people can’t comprehend not merging at the end of the ramp. If they extended the barrier another hundred feet up onto the Charter Oak bridge, or made the signage clear that merges weren’t necessary, perhaps…
I have been stuck in this goddamned line of bullshit traffic at this exact exit many times.