
Okay, fine. I’ll finally admit that he’s the best Adam Jones in professional sports.

Ironically, the 10-5 rule was designed to prevent teams from dumping established players to teams like the Orioles.

I feel like there are two categories of bad logos. The logos that are just objectively bad, boring and confusing and the ones that have nothing to do with the team name. The Thunder is, like the Trail Blazers and the Clippers, a neat intersection of where the two categories collide. 

How does the OKC Thunder logo escape mention in a conversation about worst logos? Seriously, that should be the first one mentioned every time.

It’s not about their reporting chops, but they’re women and thus quite delicate and must be shielded from the sordid realities of MANLY bodily functions. /s

My star goes to Antti (In Eli’s mail):

Ben McAdoo looks like the fourth or fifth guy you’d hire to to assault a figure skater with a baton.

Ben McAdoo looks like you cut off the head of a pedophile, that is now 3/4 of the way to growing its new head.

Not about the Giants, but what’s up with that Pat Leonard tweet?  Are “female reporters” somehow less equipped to handle the knowledge of someone taking a shit than male reporters?

*Cue all the Ben McAdoo entries from the Dan LeBatard “March Sadness” tournament*

If he doesn’t hear it already, he’s going to hear a ton of it from his friends moving forward about how hot his mom is.

UPDATE: Bryce Harper has signed with the Golden State Warriors.

Now playing

I’ve said it a bunch of times, but I opted out of taking the long bus ride for my brother’s Little League trip to Yankee Stadium.

I turned down seats to a Bills playoff game so I could earn some cash babysitting. I thought it was a great decision, considering it wasn’t going to be televised, and the Oilers were up 35-3 at the start of the third quarter.

Oh, so you choose to remain an ignorant idiot.  I didn’t expect anything different from you.

A lot of people have weird hangups about food. Cut the man some slacks.

Even if he did have a gun, it wasn’t out,” YES IT WAS. IT WAS IN HIS HAND.

despite your obvious believes, police officers actually practice shooting regularly and are generally pretty good shots. there was absolutely nothing racist in this video. Police officers responded to a report of someone discharging a weapon in the area, they saw a guy with a gun in his hand, told him to drop it

You ever been to Pornhub?  Wth all those ads, plenty of sponsorship opportunity there. 

Trump did have trouble reading Brady’s endorsement, because of the paws between sentences.