
Try yelling “fore” instead, you filthy casual.

He only made the putt because someone in the crowd told the ball to “get in the hole.”

That’s pretty cool. How often do you get a chance to back up the heckling and then succeed?

Another good Getty photo:

“We think you’re shittier than Florida” is about the strongest burn I’ve ever heard of.

Or any World Series +1

White guy twitter beef!! Meet me in Temecula motherfucker..... And we’ll have lunch and write our stories!

Counterpoint: Team Europe has won ZERO Super Bowls.

Holy shit I love this guy. Why your team sucks Ryder Cup edition. See if Magary will counter!!!!!!!

One of the best (and most disturbing) non-fiction books I’ve read was The Dark Side of Man by Michael Ghiglieri. The author was a Vietnam Nam vet who became a primatologist who worked out in the field with Jane Goodall. The book was exploring the ways bad human behavior matched up with chimp behavior, and the sections

Quite the opposite:

Was this “Must See TV” or TGIF? I don’t remember.

Are there any stats on how many of these murders happen because a meerkat wants to just relax a little with a beer after a hard day of working in the jungle and another meerkat won’t shut the fuck up about how badly the lawn needs mowing and it has to be done right away so it looks nice when that meerkat’s mother

Apparently Meerkats also know when someone doesn’t know how to keep their big mouth shut.

Then explain all the murder in the documentary I saw about John Wick.

Now playing

You got it, Mr. Trump. You dominated the debate. It was hilarious how that woman thought that she was scoring points. You repeated “Wrong!” each time! These fancypants debate coaches are wasting their time with “rebuttals” or “counterarguments”.

They did it in kind of a curious way, focusing on all the great American presidents they didn’t support:

When asked what he’s going to do now that he’s got a 100 million dollar contract, Antetokounpo said he’d carry on the fine Greek tradition of spending all 300 million of it.