Theater Geek

Outside is the album of his that I love, that nobody ever seems to talk about. A lot of artists tried the cut-ups and random lyric generators, but only Bowie managed to emerge with some great music.

Haha, I can see that being awkward. I have to give Cameron props for making fun of Titanic on Entourage when he said he made the movie to make little girls cry.

I got a free ticket to see it and still walked out. I was able to finally get through it with the benefit of Rifftrax. It was an awful forgettable movie (which much like Titanic before it) was a spectacle with no depth and thus no lasting power.

This was 45 minutes of Mark Gatiss having a wank while saying "I'm so clever" over and over. Worse than Fear Her or Love & Monsters? No. But I'd rather watch almost any Colin Baker story than this (even Twin Dilemma!)

I remember Mary Tyler Moore telling the "Penis Von Lesbian" joke on the original Arsenio Hall Show.

Back in the early 90s after he got clean, Chuck recorded a really good solo album called "Am I Still In Your Heart' that was supposed to be a Three Dog Night album, but the other guys were content to just be an oldies act and turned him down. He had the songs, the studio, and their old producer! Chuck went ahead and

First Jimmy (Keybaords) earlier this year, now Cory. I'll bet nobody thought Chuck would out-live them all.

Way back when they were doing story spitballing sessions for ROTJ in 1981 or so, Lawrence Kasdan had the idea that Luke kills Vader, takes the helmet off his dead body, puts it on his own head, and attacks the rebel fleet. Surprise! Marquand and Kasdan loved it. Lucas did not. The transcripts of the story meetings

Estelle Parsons?

I *love* Punisher: War Zone. It's the most like the comic. There is a moment in that movie where you know the director said, eff it, we're making a comic book movie, and just took everything to eleven. There's an episode of the "How did this get made" podcast where they have the director as a guest. The podcast

When I saw it in the theater I didn't like it. It has gotten better with each viewing and now it's my favorite Wes Anderson movie.

I had the same thought! Is this a case where Heat Vision was something so obvious to mention that the author decided *not* to mention it just to be a contrarian?

This song gets played at sporting events (Particularly hockey for some reason) and it's really awful. However, their cover of Slade's Run Runaway is pretty darned catchy.

Aunt Petunia turned out to be a babe.

I liked Unquiet Dead, but that was where Gatiss peaked. I almost feel sorry for the guy being stuck in a Gattis episode.

How about the Forever Knight pilot "Nick Knight" ?

I'm pretty sure the "Negative" uniform was meant to be black. The "blue" highlights were just the way you accented the shadows on a black uniform. This article would not be the first venue to get that wrong. If I recall, there's even an issue soon after they returned from the negative zone when they run into the

Nothing about Boys From Brazil!?

Oh my. My reaction to watching this means I must be a Muppet Purist. Yikes.

Rednex cover of Run Run Away is pretty epic though.