Jun Ohinata

League prize support is garbage considering viewership and playerbase.

Your tears are worth fighting for.

I thought it was funny.

Our government managed to blame slavery and segregation on Those Racist Whites From Down South, but unfortunately the stuff it did to you guys doesn’t have a convenient scape goat. You guys are fucked.

Well I’m not __________, but.

nothing is less cool than improper use of slang except for calling someone out on improper use of slang

whoa whoa whoa easy there

Nerd rage at Imperial Shuttle being behind Jedi Master Palmer is conflicting with the happiness at the salt from Pats fans at their QB being Vader.

This is a good Patriots fan.

This guy is stupid and it’s funny, but synthetic weed is real shit. That stuff is bad news.

As a Giants fan:

Twelve hours later...


As a Japanese dude who sat through the whole Rapelay bullshit, I say good. The less attention our games get from the crazy people in the west, the better.

It’s not that we want to see her in a bikini, but we really don’t give a shit if she decides to wear one.

sexually ambiguous isn’t an insult in 2015 anymore. try racist, or hypersensitive, or white.

You’re old and the reason the NFL is shit.

Sorry dude, if a sportswriter and an athlete are at odds, I’m always siding with the Athlete. Not because he’s always right, but because he produces content that is infinitely more meaningful. If sports media disappeared overnight no one would really give a shit, not really true for the stuff athletes create.

Don’t worry, white people aren’t racist! They are just like everyone else!

Dammit man, I wasn’t depressed until I read you comment. I could pretend he was a self-aware troll, but now you ruined it. The hashtag is too real.