
I recently found one of mine inside the door pull of one of my cars. It's been about a year since that panel last came off. The 10 mil curse is real. 

This is some lvl 99 Jalop shit, right here.

That looks like a 2.7L EcoBoost. You can see the top of the 2.7EB-only (AFAIK) cartridge style oil filter cap between the two damper reservoirs.

At least Iran has never flown planes into our buildings like the Saudi’s did. 

They made the “mistake” of electing a “socialist” prime minister who nationalized oil production. This did not go over well with the US and UK, who then staged a successful coup.

Truck people need not apologize for their choice in vehicle, just like no one in a sports car should apologize for theirs. The whole hating on trucks/cuvs/SUVs things is dumb and tired. Don’t like that I get less mpgs than you? Eat a scabby dick and worry about your own pitiful and sad existence.

In California. Everyone is a tourist here—especially the locals. Everyone is suspicious of each other. No one knows anyone. Everyone moved here alone to be someone. There is no generational frame of reference. No one knows anyone’s family, so you are forced to take people on their word, which is fabricated. Fake It

Significantly less than diesel.

I’m not really sure. I’d have expected the bottom to have been thoroughly rotten since that’s where debris sits, but nope. The bottom was fine, too. 

Looks like a better welding job than the job FCA is doing at the factory.

“Deer antler extract!”

“Two men attacked me and shoved this needle in my arm!”

No shit. Wayne Chrebet broke my friend’s nose in college and we STILL hear about it.

1st gen Tesla Roadster.  That’s where the big bucks will be.

I, for one, cannot wait.  Give me all the cheap power. 

“Can confirm.”

I knew once Deadspin started covering fucking soccer that fencing couldn’t be far behind. 

A disingenuous post from Lauren? I don’t believe you. 

Taped to their foreheads like they do on helmets at practice

Flexibility. A lower minimum payment increases your flexibility when applying for other loans, say mortgages. Plus with no penalty for early payoff you give yourself some room to breathe when all hell breaks loose. Rule of thumb should be longest term you can get at the lowest rate, pay it off on your schedule, not