
hot tip: if you want us to read your “leaving new york” thought piece you should include your soon-to-be-vacated apartment’s address, broker’s name and lease end date. also please indicate whether the building is wired for fios.


I love the idea of there being a volume of poptarts that is appropriate only for industrial use. What industry would it be, and for what use? Fracking?

Dang. All I did was buy my son the industrial size box of PopTarts for his dorm room. This competition among parents is crazy.

Diana Ross and Digimon is where it’s at.

They could have the Amazons have diversity (though I didn’t get a clear look). There have been versions of the Amazons that had black Amazons and even I think Asian.

The Harlem Hellfighters of WWI.

African Americans fought in WWII. They fought for a country that segregated them in the army and at home.

It's not ageist to say that someone looks older than they are. It's ageist to discriminate against someone based on their age.

Yes, much easier to keep her on the government dime inside a cell, instead.

yes, the best thing to do for an “irresponsible” teen who “shows bad judgment” is to punish her with mandatory pregnancy, birth, care and upbringing of another human. Yup. That’ll show her.

Teens who get pregnant, rape and incest excepted, have already demonstrated poor judgment and immaturity.

Well if you’re a lovely and responsible parent I’m sure your offspring would discuss issues with you, and this doesn’t effect you

Mate. Teenagers aren’t children. They can fend for themselves (and indeed many have to). Teenagers are teenagers. Adult lite (tm). In half of Europe you can buy booze at 16 (18 in the other half). Almost everywhere in the world you can get married at 18 (including the US) rather suggesting you’ve been having an adult

Which doesn’t have to be provided by their parents. The doctor, a social worker, a teacher, a relative - all can provide adult guidance.

Here’s my first-hand anecdote - my mother kicked up a huge fuss when I was 14 when I went to the doctor to discuss getting better medication for my poorly managed asthma. The usual excuse was that we “seeing the doctor is expensive” - so I managed to save up enough money to pay for the visit myself, and went. The

Just because some people are terrible parents shouldn’t diminish my responsibility and authority to ensure that my child is getting appropriate medical care.

So you support parents who are anti abortion forcing their child to carry a pregnancy to term and giving birth? Because that is what you are advocating. You are pro forced birth for teens.