I actually accepted that I’m fat and decided to buy some cute clothing for my real body instead of the one I want to have! It looks slamming.
I actually accepted that I’m fat and decided to buy some cute clothing for my real body instead of the one I want to have! It looks slamming.
Coming from the being a doctor perspective - fellow doctors, you either know shit about abuse or aren’t willing to admit you do, so we should all probably stay the heck out of this (I’m looking at you Pierce). Since starting med school and through residency I have had to endure constant well meaning “cultural…
Personal best (not my best, naturally) was a patient with 0.654 on the trauma service. He was comatose and had to be intubated though....
Yeah, that was hilarious. I saw a guy at work this week who did the same thing, but on a lesser scale - 1 day of sunflower seeds in shell, couldn’t poop because it felt like daggers in his butt. Rectal exam revealed a large quantity of shards (seriously, those things were like toothpicks) of seed. 1 soap suds enema…
I’m going to guess they mean .134 BAC. From an ED perspective that’s kind of ho-hum because I routinely see people talking (reasonably) coherently at a 0.2 level or above, but this is a very, very young girl who is exceedingly unlikely to have enough drinking experience to handle that level (a seasoned alcoholic can…
I’m replying to TheyWillSaveUs, but don’t want to add to the document chain buoying his crazy.
Beware. BEEEEEWARE!!! A momma cat and 5 kittens showed up on my porch several months ago. I felt pity and fed them. Once that was started, I felt bad stopping feeding them, so I continued. I wanted to catch and spay and neuter them, but it took awhile to acclimate them enough to where I could get remotely close…
You’ve upped my story of my college roommate putting Hotel California on repeat at top volume then disappearing for an entire weekend.
All of them, although I think the quote represents not that Hillary reminds them of their bitchy wife, but that Hillary comes off like a bitchy wife/mother. So, basically, their only frame of reference for women they even pretend to listen to is those who spawned them, and the ones they cohabitate with.
Counterpoint, I’ve worked most of my life to make 6 figures, which I will next year, and I’m cool with paying the ~40% it seems like I will have to. So, no, some of us actually understand being a citizen and the responsibilities therein.
Then you, sir or madame, have never met me, because Pennywise still scares the shit out of me. :(
I’m not Indian but I would definitely prefer to smell most Indian food than, say, bologna - strong and weird smelling.
My mother used to take them on all cross-country trips, storing them in the cooler with all the other food. In her defense, she was a single mom with three kids, and they’re cheap. However, that damned smell gets everywhere. I still shudder thinking of it: crackers that taste like banana, rice cakes that taste like…
Didn’t see his comment but in his defense there are actually a fair number of MD/PhDs because there’s actually a large number of dual-degree programs designed to create the physician-researchers of the future. I considered going that route when applying to medical school because your tuition is covered in most, before…
I would fucking haunt the scoreboard. Actual scores would flicker, be garbled, and get replaced by literary quotes. People would spend the whole game unaware of who was winning and who was losing, but pondering whether a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Eh, I can’t say I haven’t occasionally done so too - it’s difficult not to want immediate results and it’s easier than worrying about missing something.
Fair enough. I was just curious because I don’t know if I’d go straight to an HbA1c given the cost; I’d probably just do what you’re talking about r.e. counseling, and get another fasting BG at a followup visit.
Fair enough, and you’re right, even if the stakes are different, being a cyclist dick is still being a dick.
I’m an ED doc, admittedly in a place where biking is not prevalent, but I can say the number of people I’ve seen killed/seriously maimed by cars when they were pedestrians or bike riders greatly exceeds the number of people killed/seriously maimed by bike riders, probably because the latter number is zero. I’m not…