
And a bicyclist can rarely speed due to physical limitations, yet drivers do it all the time - your point?

Had the same experience when I was an early 20-something bicycle commuting in a town that was very into sport-biking (like mountain biking), but very bike-commuting unfriendly. I don’t think you’re far off.

Yeah, I’m going to call that a 12-15 year old problem more than a cyclist problem, because we have both on-foot and on-bicycle representative samples of the folks you mentioned above in my neighborhood, and both wander in the middle of the street with the kind of bravado born of not yet seeing a really, really

Drivers, however, never text, thank God given that they are conducting thousands of quickly moving pounds capable of snuffing human lives in the blink of an eye.

How many cyclist routinely speed? Most drivers do. We all break the rules.

And, for the people howling about the horrible, horrible cyclists in the left lane WHEN THERE’S A BIKE LANE ON THE RIGHT, DAMNIT WE GIVE YOU DIFFICULT PEOPLE EVERYTHING, of course they never, ever, refuse to let bicyclists get over when they need to make a left turn so that said bicyclists perhaps feel the need to get

Amen! I didn’t have a drivers license until I was 20, because I couldn’t afford a damn car, much less insurance and maintenance, while paying for college. I didn’t live in a city with adequate public transportation, so I biked, even though it was a 1,000 foot, 3 mile climb to college (the ride home was downhill and

A painfully large chunk of our house is currently occupied by my husband’s 3 bikes (the pared down collection, actually) which we moved across multiple states 2 years ago. He also has wicked knee bursitis and has ridden only one of them, once, in the last 5 years. All together they probably cost over $3K, $4K if you

Cool, I’ll just stop doing it. You know, when my residency stops telling me I’d better be dead if I don’t come in for a shift (literally, that’s what a program director said). I imagine HRC would be willing to take a day off too, if doing so didn’t add fuel to the rumors that she’s too sick to be president, that women

Woods on my college campus. Got pine needles stuck in my butt crack which is not comfortable. Only afterwards, while visiting a friend in the nearby dorms, did I realize that the tree cover was pretty inadequate and anyone who lived on the second floor and was out on the balcony could see everything. The sex wasn’t

Nope, I was responding in agreement with you. Which I failed to express. Sigh - I’m going to recuse myself from further commenting today because I’m obviously tired and really lousy at expressing myself. Nap o’clock :).

I apologize. I reread your statement and I was being way oversensitive and attributing blame to you that you did not impute. Again, sorry for jumping down your throat.

Eh, maybe. Often what it means is that he’s a man over 50, and his doctor is no spring chicken and thus hasn’t kept up with guidelines (or doesn’t believe them) enough to know that age is no longer a definitive indication for daily baby aspirin.

Why? It may be high normal range, but it’s normal range nonetheless.

Also, in a truly calloused sense - people who OD are often uninsured. Narcan is expensive, but ED visits with a tacked on ambulance ride are more. Allowing addicts to self-treat saves both lives and resources.

I disagree with not blurring the faces (especially of the kid), but I do think these photos can be a tool. Many people I meet seem to think of substance abusers as immediately identifiable sketchy people who slink through the shadows and only live under bridges. They don’t realize that many of the people they work

What, precisely, are doctors failing to do in your opinion? You talked about them giving too many drugs, and mentioned overdoses. You talked about them giving too few drugs and forcing people to take heroin. Please, please educate me about that perfect line in between they are supposed to be walking.

Then again, tylenol can legitimately be deadly and probably kills more people than pseudotumor cerebri (which is what I assume you were diagnosed with?), and yet it is easily available OTC...

You are a snowflake, and I appreciate it. I don’t mind the bowel talk (if I hadn’t gone into ED, I think I would have actually done IM and then a gastroenterology fellowship), but a respite is always nice.