
A lot. A whole lot. But really, bad gas pain hurts like hell, so I don’t fault them. Especially with kids, because they don’t always verbalize or localize pain well, so it’s difficult to tell what’s going on.

She provided her general checkup medical records. Do you mean specifically for the pneumonia?

Apparently yes. Maybe An Endless Supply of Cynicism wants to hear about mild constipation too? Perhaps Clinton should start a poo-log for him/her.

Wow! I have never seen that breed before - crazy! Worried that they must have hip problems later in life though because the bulk of their torso seems very disproportionate to their extremities?

Briefly, before they kill you? The only reasons I can think of to fight back against a polar bear are 1. to make my death feel less futile, and 2. to enrage the bear enough to make sure it kills me more definitively and quickly.

“He will not make statements like this again.”

Eh, as someone who will drink pickle brine straight, and still occasionally drinks milk even though I know there’s a 50% chance I’m going to be bad company for 4 hours after, I do not judge.

No worries, and I do agree with you that milk isn’t healthful overall (logically, something that is meant to support the massive growth that occurs right after birth is going to be nutritional overkill for someone who has achieved their adult size). I appreciate you being so open to civil discourse!

That isn’t true. Seriously, it isn’t. I sincerely doubt milk is good for you, but acid-ash is a wide-disproven fringe theory.

I really wanted to love Lactaid, but it always tastes sweet to me? (kind of like the leftover milk after cereal)

Geez Louise! I’ve been looking at all the responses above, and apparently everyone things that 65 is to the point of decrepit, where people have coke bottle glasses, use a wheelchair, and scream, “What’s that Sonny?” whenever you say anything. Many healthy 65 year olds still work full time, live on their own, etc,

My cat...can’t, and yet he still continues to jiggle the damn handle. Thanks Chewie! I totally didn’t want to sleep past 6am, even though I didn’t get to bed until 1am.

Amen about the boob pop! Even when I was slender (I am definitely plus sized now, thank you medical school and residency!), I was a 34DD, and had the glorious constant choice between shirts so big I looked like a linebacker, or ones that fit my waist but hugged my boobs so closely I looked like a replica of a Hooters

Kinda. But only one, so it’s the exception that proves the rule. Plus, she’s a vegan who’s gluten intolerant and hates fruit, so food is hard to come by and I don’t begrudge her anything she can find.

Treats or no there’s no way in hell I would follow a clown anywhere, much less into the woods. I’ve read It. I think the machete is a more reasonable response but fleeing is better yet.

Feel ya. House next door to us is section 8 and has a rotating cast of loosly related people. Current crop are tolerable (smoke lots of pot, loud fights regularly, and very very bad dog owners, but don’t bother me nor I them), but there were about 8 months previous to that where I’m pretty certain all the adults had

I got to interview Nader live on local radio (not some kind of contest thing; I acually did political organizing) for the 2004 election. I lobbed him some softball questions. He graciously answered. It was only while listening to the playback that I realized that what I perceived as my gracious and mellow tone sounds

I’m a doctor (EM). Doctors are ostensibly well-educated (or at least spent what will likely account for about a sixth of our lives in post-high school education), but so many of my colleagues throughout the hospital watch Fox news exclusively that the lounge TV is permanently tuned to it. I know oh so many presumably

Also, loss-prevention. An acquaintance of mine had multiple ways to scam the system (hold a pack of gum under the more expensive items so it shows you swiped but the code is for $0.50 instead of $10; put in the wrong produce code so that everything is bananas).

Also, orientated?