
I can get behind that. I am a heterosexual woman and fond of dicks, but photos are not necessarily the medium in which they shine. I can genuinely say I’ve never seen an unsolicited dick pic that gave me any remotely sexual feelings. The feelings they inspire are (mostly), “Ugh, you are a gross pig for sending that,”

That’s not uncommon though. Pretty much everyone I’ve known who routinely used comic sans had more than enough Dolores Umbridge in them to make me nervous.

I could see that if it was a pond or pool, because that’s a limited body of water (still doesn’t really make sense unless you just petted a skunk and then rolled down a hill until you were a large ball of mud with stink lines a la pigpen coming off you, but maybe?), but they’re talking about beaches, so presumably

When I lived alone and was single I used the fireplace in October (shitty apartment, but it had a kiva fireplace?) just because the night was cold and I felt like it. I spent a entire weekend trying to replicate Naples pizza, and messed up the entire kitchen in the process. My refrigerator held only things I liked,

I love my husband and regret marrying him not a whit, but I did have a legit crying binge, in front of him, a year after the engagement (it was a veeeery long engagement) wherein I snot-sniffled, “I’ve lived alone, but never when I could afford to make choices, and now when I can I’ll never be able to pick out my own

Because it’s unnatural (college students are supposed to be poor and live in shitholes), and also because, despite likely being quite expensive, it’s hideous. So, so ugly. I’d rather hang out in my ill-advisably chosen boyfriend’s freshman year room, which included lots of dirty laundry and a sheet-free bed (he puked

I’m guessing based on the mention of Dearborn Heights that this call occurred in Michigan. Color me unsuprised.

You are 100% correct! Early onset does mean occurs earlier than expected, and Parkinsons generally occurs in the 60's, so, even were she to have Parkinsons, it wouldn’t be early onset.

I will be supporting and disseminating the name of your syndrome. I’m a doctor (the real kind, not like Shkreli) and I approved this!

But who will open the pickle jars!!!

So much more in your face, so much more awesome. As my father said about wearing shorts after 40 (when he got over his fear of people judging his “piano legs”), “Fuck the world, if they can’t take a joke.”

Your answer was 100% true. They shouldn’t ask a question like that if they can’t handle the truth.

In my workplace I’m the only person who lives in a significantly dangerous location, and yet I’m also one of the few unarmed people. I have a large, loud dog which acts as a quality deterrent and is pretty difficult to use against me, unlike a gun. It’s amazing how the perception of danger is totally unrelated to any

It is super-hard to set those boundaries, but yes, entirely necessary. My family has learned to accept that when I don’t call back, it isn’t because I don’t care, but because there isn’t time - when there is, they’ll be first on my list. It’s a bit harder with my husband because he lives with me. I definitely

I totally agree, and it’s not just a athletes thing, it’s an anything that involves sacrifice and single-minded devotion thing. I’m a third year medical resident, and told my (then boyfriend, now fiance) when I started medical school that all major events, be they proposals or breakups, would have to be “scheduled”

Thirty-four and I’m ostensibly a “success” (one year from graduating medical residency, multiple lucrative job offers on the table), but I spend more time than not feeling like I’ve only gotten so far because I’ve fooled people into thinking I’m competent, and it will all come crashing down.

Counterpoint, I love potlucks. It’s a fun way to try new kinds of food and share new dishes that I like, plus I know there’ll be something I want to eat, because I brought it. It’s also a good way to spread the burden of preparation when you have events at neutral places, like work or picnics.

They definitely aren’t - I mean most double penetration dildos aren’t a half foot wide. Maybe it’s so two people can use it, facing each other? Frankly, even were the spacing correct, this looks like a tragic accident waiting to happen. Perineal tears are no joke.

Is it just me, or does she look a lot like Angela on ANTM? It’s probably just me. Pic for comparison:

As about 20 million people have said above, there are alternates for the delegates, so I don’t see how your point matters.