Wow, logic, something that is generally lacking in discourse about vegan/vegetarian diets. Thank you. (seriously, no sarcasm intended)
Wow, logic, something that is generally lacking in discourse about vegan/vegetarian diets. Thank you. (seriously, no sarcasm intended)
Zika aside, I definitely prefer my waterfront less infested with enormous, human-eating reptiles, so I’m with you.
Oh for fucks sake, yes I have seen a raccoon attack a human without a dog. Try taking out your garbage to a communal dumpster in Rhode Island. Sure, if you back up right quick, you likely won’t get bitten, but I would call getting rushed by a large raccoon showing you its teeth an attack. By all means though, keep…
I don’t know where you’ve lived, but perhaps there is some variation, because I’ve had raccoons charge me when I tried to take the trash out, no matter how loud or large I tried to be.
I could lend you my dog? He’s a shepherd/labrador mix and he straight up killed a raccoon. In front of me. While I cringed and tried to avoid getting bitten by either party. Admittedly, it was a smallish racoon (not immature, but not a fat old dude like the one in the chimpanzee video), but he walked away WITHOUT A…
Sometimes it isn’t the parents. The public school in my town, woefully underfunded and understaffed, wanted to put me 5 grades ahead, in a system where the smaller kids got beat up on the regular, and stabbings on school grounds were not uncommon. I begged to go private, and got myself a full-ride scholarship to a…
They will think, “Damn, everything looks super-filthy. I can’t wait to redo this kitchen.” (What I think every time I see primarily white decor)
When I was rotating on ortho, I felt terrible for so many of the kids. Many of them cared about the game, but not nearly so much as their parents. They’d come in with overuse injuries that simply shouldn’t be present in teens, and their parents first concern would be when they could play again. They were able to blow…
Bingo. My father, born in the 50s in Colorado, talks about how, when he was a young child, he thought it was so convenient that there was a different group of people that existed to provide services like porter and maid. The difference between him and Eastwood is that he now knows how wrong he was, and is willing to…
Yup, which makes no sense - go on in denial after the test, as opposed to the denial that would go on if a test wasn’t available?
That’s how I felt watching “The Great British Baking Show” - there is definitely critique, but it’s a lot less zero-sum than in the US, and the contestants are soooo much less crazy. If you ever hear someone start a phrase with, “I didn’t come here to make friends,” you’d best believe it will end with, “but isn’t it…
Amen. I don’t really like the look of diamonds so we did amber, which was cheap enough that, when I lost the first one, a replacement + the original were <$100 total. I love the ring, and, now that I’m realizing how very little I like wearing even a ring I adore all the time (I work in health care and the hand…
Why does butter have to be <3.4oz? In the form shown, its a solid.
Most definitely. I work in the ED and the government pays a fortune dealing with visits from homeless people who get picked up drunk, or are just hungry/cold and know the magic buzzwords for entry (chest pain et al). Vegas actually tried and mostly succeeded to address this - they provided free housing (without any…
No kidding! Our dog thinks I’m awesome and treats me like a queen. Our cat likes me best but will pee on me while I’m asleep if he thinks I’m doing him wrong, and anything can count as such (failing to feed him endlessly even though he’s borderline overweight, allowing the dog to exist, failing to allow him to leave…
I think it’s working - momma cat has become acclimated enough to me to allow pets during mealtimes, and one of the kittens caved and allowed the same today. I just hope I can make the timing work - I have to leave next Monday for my father in laws memorial. I’ve arranged (less frequent but still timed) cat feedings…
Definitely. My husband is the brakes on the runaway cat train that I would likely become, unintervened. He’s been gone for three weeks due to his father being sick, and a casual act of kindness towards a feral cat with kittens has spiraled into increasing involvement with their lives and the possibility of going from…
Reminds me of this:
I would guess when it comes to pennies that it’s less the flavor, and more the weight for $100s worth.