
My family moved to Ecuador when I was 14, taking my 10 year old sister with them. I was in boarding school and stayed in country with the exception of summer breaks. I remember recording things onto VHS tapes for her that my tweenaged self though were vital for her reintegration into US society on return including

Somehow multiple buses I traveled on in Ecuador over the years had acquired bootlegged copies of tape 2, but not tape 1.

Let’s get married.

From your friendly ED doctor, for the love of God, quit mixing meds! Look, I understand that the youths like to party, honestly back in the day I was a liberal arts major and you can extrapolate what that means, however, when you take handfuls of whatever strikes your fancy, the common opiate antidote fails and you

Definitely, they should make their own decisions, and lord knows they WHO isn’t stopping them. What they are doing is providing scientifically guided recommendations that they wait more than a year between pregnancies- recommendations that come from multiple studies showing that children had back to back are more

Dunno about everyone, but I had shitty handwriting prior to medical school, it just got worse during.

Sad, but true. I’m a doctor and thank God for printed prescriptions. When, in rare cases, they aren’t available, I block print like a 5 year old - ungainly, but it gets the job done.

I went to Legally Blonde with friends wearing a wrap skirt and felt a breeze as we were walking out afterwards with the crowd - the skirt had unwrapped. I really wanted to sink into the ground and disappear, but had to settle for ducking into another theater to retie as well as wait for anyone who witnessed my

“Undecided women voters see him as having the ability to make real change happen by simply saying what needs to be said.”

I think it’s one word, spac-ed out. My best guess is spreaded as in,

Yeah, I checked them out, and the boxes are also stupid as fuck. The “Surviving College” box contains: “Milk and cereal chocolate bar, “You’ve Got This” mug, oversized playing cards, hand-painted notebook, tassel garland, a set of motivating pens and a snazzy desk notepad” and goes for $128. I shit you not. Estimating

Now playing

Aha! I was wondering how the hell they got enough blood to fertilize marijuana fields, but it must be your mighty flow .

Yeah, urinating is natural too, and yet I tend to try to contain it instead of letting loose on the floor.

It is the woooorst. For real. I’m not squeamish, but observing eye surgery actually caused a scootch of nausea. It’s followed closely by c-sections, which include a. The horror of the patient talking to you while your hands are IN HER ABDOMINAL CAVITY, and b. The literal sound of muscle ripping as incisions are

This is where she loses me completely:

To put it another way, I’m a doctor. I spent 4 years getting a B.A. to even qualify for medical school. It wasn’t until 2 years into medical school when I was even allowed to interact with patients besides in the most rudimentary manner. 3 years in, I could talk to them, but likely not do anything besides the simplest

Yeah, maybe things won’t go my way (anyone but Trump) and I’ll be full of the sads. However, I have a youth that involves 2 Bush Jr terms occurring despite my votes and eventual political activism, so at least I have a frame of reference for that particular hell. If HRC wins though, I’ll try to be the bigger (wo)man.

Does he think sexual harassment lawsuits are only valid if the person was tied up in a basement? You can inform him that that’s slavery or kidnapping. Sexual harassment occurs when you choose to work somewhere, and people there choose to break the goddamned law. In-laws can suck.

I’m totally okay with the concept of sweating that shit out during waking hours (can be miserable but an excellent opportunity to really put pedal to the metal in the office! check out your local library! see a movie! not eat anything because movement and digestion are impossible!) and have no air conditioning in the

Bwahaha! After years of medical school (where women are slightly more predominant but most of the bosses are male) and emergency medicine residency (where there are fewer women and a whole hell of a lot of the bosses are male), tremble before my stone crushing grip! Seriously, I have hands shaped by endless