How'd it get burned?

Can you please pick me up some milk while you’re out rampaging? Thanks

“Ah, so that’s what Twitter is for, just one endless battle royale of hurling abuse.”

I’m not defending the statement so much as I’m laughing at someone getting offended by what an old dude with clearly outdated opinions thinks.

He’s an elderly white man, but he’s also a famously gay man, which messes with the outrage-industrial complex’s targeting systems.

t’s really weirding me out that this review doesn’t even bother to mention the conditions the game was created under.

Here too? The same thing was touched upon in the Kotaku review. I’m a liberal person but not everything is a social justice issue. Every industry has projects that require long hard hours.

I was so expecting Frank to travel that it was a shock when his head came off.

I am firmly of the opinion that if you can use the GoT maps as a way to get yourself out of prison, you deserve your freedom.

Here’s the thing everyone always overlooks when they start worrying about “false accusations.” Yes, false accusations about sexual misconduct happen. They happen at roughly the same rate as false accusations for virtually every other type of crime, i.e. incredibly rarely. Borderline statistically insignificant.

The following was brought to you by the Gilead Tourism Board. Blessed day.

So, in this universe, the FBI and possibly the whole US of A since the late 80s have got a figure they use when making jokes, and as a definition in the dictionaries, and then as a Halloween costume, and then they make effigies to burn during a special holiday that was declared as The Moron’s Day, where they sing

That’s explicitly not the kind of thing the article is about, though.

Would that it were so simple.

He’s more praline now than man.

Implying that Stan wouldn’t ask why they never invited him and Renee to join in.

It doesn’t have to be ubiquitous...there are several characters in this show who have been extensively involved in EST seminars and training. They and the people around them would, presumably, use the phrase in their everyday conversations.

POST-CREDITS SCENE: It’s revealed that Thanos is actually Groot and has been all along.

I understand that storylines can't all be wrapped up in one season, but there has to be at least a sense of why each storyline is significant if a season is going to have any coherence. There were too many plots this season whose significance is still obscure: Philip's son, Stan and Renée, the entire Oleg plot — these

She keeps a child trapped in her basement, obviously.

I just rewatched these, and want to give some 2 years late observations:
Wild at Heart:  When this first aired, I didn't have a problem, because Veruca's deal about integrating the wolf with her (or Oz's) human personality fleshed out the mythology and raised some interesting questions.   Veruca's an awful character,