Megadeth, not Megadeath
Megadeth, not Megadeath
It’s only the limit if the line is drawn at paralysis
One would think it would be your job as a games journalist to uncover great indie games without MS serving them up to you
Excuse me, the movie is GREAT. Yes, it’s different from the comic in a lot of ways, but it’s an excellent adaptation that does its own thing while still being true to the comic.
Well, yes, but that’s exactly why it’s stupid that A. they’re now saying they’re going to change the meta much more quickly than they used to (if it doesn’t affect the majority of players, then who gives a shit?), and B. they already limited your choice when they instituted role queue, which singlehandedly destroyed…
just an fyi, Kim was Paris’ assistant before she became famous (this is info I wish I did not know, but I do)
I had no idea this was happening. I’ll be sure to get it when it comes out on DVD.
An anime sex robot would probably be accurate
I’m going to guess dumb as a rock, just based on the pseudo-scientific bs she promotes on goop
I’ve read some other commenter make this suggestion before and I think it is a good idea: Trump loves putting his name on everything — so let’s do just that. These border camps should be rebranded as “Trumpcamps” — forever linking him to this act of abominable cruelty.
Blackface. Blackface is not allowed.
Which just means he shouldn’t be doing things like repealing attempts at national healthcare.
“I don’t know what you mean. I haven’t dealt with toxic players in overwatch in yeaaaaaars! Toxicity is down 40%, don’t ya know.”
Did you somehow miss the part where Disney just recently bought Fox?
Who wants to tell him?
I was in college and took a date (not my idea per se, we were both just curious about the hubbub). Did not get laid that night.
I think you're waiting for Nintendo Lab-ia.
When? Never, because the same reason nobody on Jalop addresses another dead loser, Henry Ford. People tend not to throw dirt on the dead, because it’s just not as cathartic. Because they’re now dead, nobody cares.
Will Gizmodo be getting a duplicate for their HQ?