are you implying the are using click bait articles to generated comments and views?
are you implying the are using click bait articles to generated comments and views?
Lol, this is just an ad, those alzy mofos at Pokemon Company won’t be making DLC unless forced by Nintendo.
this is culture? it can barely be considered a “dance style”
Impossible. Hedge Funds pay for their political careers, you think they care about some smart random nobody messing with the boss?
Theirony would be that all companies treated their employees like this.
EA doesn’t have to do anything, Codemasters F1 needs a big publicity push to reach the mainstream like the sport, but it’s gonna print a ton of money.
look him up Trent is crzy too... lol
“or going like 20 years not realizing he was an abusive bag of shit from his lyrics.”
She was a gold digger now wants to sugar daddy to pay alimony.
I don’t know why people think upgraded hardware means a game won’t run in a previous console, what it means is that the game will run better in the new one, you will make the game for the original configuration and will look nicer with the upgrade, don’t believe me? look at mobile and pc games.
what a weird comment, there’s always a random zoofilia crazy sharing too much.
“This isn’t a bad thing, nor is it a guaranteed success, as evidenced by Square Enix’s disappointment with Avengers.”
see how not funny it is when you do it to other countries? the world laughs at you!
and Dave Chapelle
It’s not that it’s hard but there was not a big crowd asking about it.