
Hahaha that one’s easy. Just naturally. Your exertion is so intense while sprinting that your body handles the rest. You become a raging mouthbreather. It’s all about getting as much in and out as possible. So you don’t really need lessons. If you manage to breathe through your nostrils while sprinting, you’re not

Ah yes, the difference is the quick exhalations. But you’re right, it’s sort of like what you do while swimming where oxygen availability needs are even more acute. But with this, you inhale through your nostrils and exhale through your mouth. It’s a forceful exhale. If you’re doing it right, you’ll exhale sharply 6

I’d like to add to this another type of combat breathing that I was taught by my coach to help bring my heart rate and breathing down after heavy exertion. It’s called the spitfire and was a lifesaver during sprint drills or if, after an adrenaline fueled flight, you need to take a second to catch your breath and

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I’m not falling for that again. Remember when Hulu was created and they created Hulu Plus as a “paid, ad free version of Hulu?” And they kept up that bullshit for a year or more as people still had to sit through the ads. They eventually stopped claiming Hulu

VLOOKUP and Pivot tables rule everything. Sometimes I feel like everything else in Excel is just decoration.

I used to use Headspace on my Android, but I’m on Windows Phone now, so I have no mindfulness apps. One note about Headspace though, they can be a bit spammy and scummy at times.

I’m happy about this. This is the reason I left both.

This was the first game I actually ever finished. It would be ages before I’d come across another game that I finished (Hitman: Contracts). I just never had the time to get through games. Contra was for me during a time I was injured and immobile. I got to a point where I’d finish it without losing a single life.

A life-sized Baymax would be the business. I have to get one somehow.

Honestly, at my age, my lack of career achievement is an achievement in and of itself. I have remarkable mediocrity and I'm not sure how to sell that.

Tim Minchin is my romance spirit animal.

Oh wow, I never thought of chopsticks. I'm actually going to try that out today.

Heh. My mom's been trying to get me to use it. Now that I have corroboration from a stranger on the internet, I guess it's time to give it a try.

Well, I've tried being mindful while I eat. I turn off the tv, sit at the dining table, and try to focus on all the exercises like chewing 25 times, putting the fork down between bites, etc. And it works at first, but then I zone out (I daydream A LOT) and go right back to speed eating. There are times I just devour

Oh, my bad, I wasn't clear. I was referring to diabetes. I have diabetes. Diet Coke was the culprit for me. My worry is that I might inadvertently put myself in a similar situation. I guess I need to do a lot of research.

For sugar free jello to taste good, doesn't it still have items that fools your body into thinking it just got sugar? So wouldn't you be under the same danger as with diet soda? Because if not, I need to do this asap. Sometimes I just need it.

My main problem is eating fast. I've tried, I really have. I put my fork down between bites (but end up chewing faster, or just swallowing something half chewed). I try to have conversation while eating (but end up scarfing down in 2 minutes and spending the rest of the time chatting). It's like a compulsion. I can

So far, the app is fantastic on iOS but super slow on Android. But I'm hopeful for the future. I rely on gmail on my Android phone, but my whole life is on Outlook and Microsoft software, so all these moves are finally eliminating the barrier to making my Nexus 6 my main driver. I'm now perfectly happy with it.

"Importantly, Cortana will also have a "notebook" of information she knows about you. Google Now has a similar feature, and both are likely to be very helpful not only in improving suggestions, but in helping you maintain your privacy. If Cortana learns something about you that you don't want her to know, you can

And does everybody in the meeting who likes fish and grits and all that pimp shit, say "O-Yea-yer"?