
Yeah, I should have specified for the people with simple taxes (though with a little focus, even the complicated ones. The tax preparers don't really have special knowledge. They're following a script similar to what sites lie TaxAct make you follow). And I should have also specified that this is for federal taxes,

Oh that's good. We didn't have that back when I worked there. Their most basic was $49 back then. I thought it might have changed by now. It's been 7+ years now.

Tax prep

I'm not a Christian and I don't have any family on this hemisphere. But fuck me, right?

For me, pointing out the whiteness thing is more along the lines of when there's just so much wrong that you don't know where to start. Your brain is rushing with things to point out but you only have one mouth and it's not very fast. So you just settle into a couple of grunts and gasps and stutters and then throw the

The woman I lost my virginity to was amazing. I just wish I appreciated that at the time. My biggest regret is that I wish I was older when it happened. Had she come into my life just 3 years later, I would have been a different person. A better person. She met me when I was severely depressed, lost, anxious, and

I should definitely experiment with playlists now. Maybe the mistake I make is that I don't pick music from the 80s.

I came here hoping to see a montage. I use montages in my head. It's yet to actually help me... but I feel good while failing, so it's a wash.

There's a 24 hour loop of it as well. That's how I first discovered it. Had it pumping through my central system so my apartment felt like a ship. Made it feel weird when I headed outside. Like the real world was just off somehow. And it took a while for me to adjust to falling asleep without the sound after I

There's a 24 hour loop of it as well. That's how I first discovered it. Had it pumping through my central system so

I use and like Next Lock Screen on my G3. I also use the Nokia Z Launcher, but I don't think that counts since I don't think that's part of the group that went off with Microsoft. They're part of the group left behind. I have but am not interesting enough to get much mileage out of Xim.

"but invites seems to be going out at a steady pace" so I keep hearing... -_-

That's probably the most insidious thing about this. Rationally you understand what's happening. Reading what you wrote, my mind switched and even without knowing you, from the description I know how to comfort you and that you're wrong to feel that way. But why can't I feel that way for myself? Why is it suddenly

I have counseled people about this yet I struggle with it immensely. I can't count how many times I've struggled to hold back the panic as I explain to my mom or sister or best friend that "I oversold myself in that interview. I can't do that job!" Even when it's a job doing something I have already done successfully

Oh that's great. Yeah, all over the continent, there are of course a lot of Patriarchal groups, but there are just as many matriarchal cultures. And even a good number of the patriarchal groups only became that way either after the spread of Islam in the north during the middle ages, or due to colonization.

we're on the same page. It's all about accepting those differences and learning from them. There's so much African diversity and we all come from a different place and the African American story and history is fascinating. We all have something to share. A country like Nigeria has over 300 ethnic groups and 150

When I first moved to the US, the worst microaggressions and just general condescending behavior my family and I went through came from African Americans. It caused an immense amount of frustration. On the one hand it seemed like African Americans paid lip service to their roots, but then looked down their noses at

Can confirm. I am all these things and handsome. I pay cash.

The last time I tried it, it was incredibly laggy. But I think I was on the Windows 8 Preview, so maybe it's better now.

Zune was a beauty. Actually I wish I had a Desktop music player that looked like the Zune media player did. It was gorgeous. Especially the album cover mosaic. It was fantastic full screen projected on my TV.

This was a problem I had with Crossfit. I'm typically good at self-regulating, but with Crossfit you'd get so into it, and you'd push yourself past everything, telling yourself 'tis but a scratch. That's how I ended up with a severe Rhomboid strain.