Not sure I’ve ever seen that Infiniti convertible in the wild. I only know it from Three Kings.
Not sure I’ve ever seen that Infiniti convertible in the wild. I only know it from Three Kings.
1st Gear: I view this as a roundabout way of saying “prices returning to pre-pandemic levels”
Why? Is your sense of masculinity threatened by the color pink?
Well it’s not ONLY people in LV who don’t understand, there’s also Lawrence Hodge.
When driving, I hate other drivers, cyclists (the spandexers, at least), and pedestrians. When I’m walking, I hate drivers, and at least half the other pedestrians. When I ride, I just hate drivers, so I guess that tracks for me.
I wish my car isolated me from outside smells. I can smell all the weed junkies driving…
“Too much confidence for too little skill.”
All fine and well that he acknowledges this happened because of his own stupidity but I don’t see any mention of anyone other than himself. Driving/riding like this puts everyone else on the road at innocent risk of accident or injury (ask the pickup driver or truck driver in this video if they’re as “c’est la vie”…
The problem, I think, is that people seem to think that insurance is some kind of savings plan. And that’s just not how it works.
“She quickly realized that insurance is, in fact, a scam”
the genie was out of the bottoms
I outfit my van myself, a bit less extensively and more shoddily (but not bad for a first attempt) and I like the simplicity and apparent durability of this. They take full advantage of the flat walls and it seems pretty easily customizable to move things around. No one appreciates how much labor goes into building a…
Agreed, although I wouldn’t regard that as a minor violation.
Given my personal experiences with T&C drivers, it’s probably more likely that the driver is just completely oblivious to the fact that they just forded a creek and have been driving through the woods for the last five hours.
Reminded of the time I was at an onsen in northern Japan. I stepped off an elevator and sitting there on the floor was a perfectly formed turd, pretty as you please. I sort of did that swivel-headed thing when you walk around the offending obstruction while never taking your eyes off it, got a beer from the vending…
Or a heater...
the wrangler WAS the entry level jeep for a long time.
back seat and rear bumperettes were optional back in the YJ days.
Can we just rewind to around ‘01 when the PT cruiser was new. At the time, it was a dirt cheap, stylish, sizable economy car with none of the stigma that we think of today. If the choice was a Corolla or a PT Cruiser for a similar price, you’d have to be batshit crazy, or a Toyota loyalist, to have wanted the Corolla. …