
The most stupid thing the Lambo did was going over to the other lane at 0:33 when there a motorcycle in the lane already.

Ryobi has kept the same power INPUT (battery sizes have physically changed) for their power tools for a loooong time now. All of the 18v equipment (including my yard equipment) hasn’t changed in decades, they just changed to Lithium.

Counterpoint: Kids are very expensive and will frequently emit toxic gasses.

I have a mowing service so that’s not an issue, but all my lawn tools are now battery and it is SO MUCH better. I love being able to grab my blower from behind the garage door and blast everything off the patio in about two minutes. No cord, no gas. Even better for hedge trimmer and weedeater.

If there is ever a car on top of me pinning me to the ground, get it off me before the FD shows up please. 

He’s not rich for nothing.

Magnet on a telescoping stick makes chasing dropped nuts, bolts, and sockets much easier.

Don’t forget improperly placed apostrophes

Well my paranoia of leaving my windows down when I am schlepping my mower gas can back home from the gas station seems way less silly now.

That’s a stupid reason to buy a truck.

You think they’re going to Charger for improperly storing a dangerous fuel in her vehicle?

Congrats Brownell, you’ve surpassed Torchinsky for stupid article subjects. 

and airlines are working diligently to make the experience a living nightmare.”

Sounds like someone high up in the Australian constabulary is a shitty parker.

If it truly is evaporative emissions, I’d be surprised. There’s little or nothing to gain performance wise by trying to skirt those rules. If I were to make a guess, they’re having a problem with a hose or other component that is not keeping the evaporative emissions contained, but if that’s really the case I would

The bitch is tanking itself man, come on. 

Unlikely at an event like Goodwood. That said if this was raced in period you can guarantee it’s not a 100% original car.

And of course, the obligatory response from people trying way too hard to show they aren’t one of the common masses

Remember the Ideal Gas Law from Deflategate? It’s kind of that.

Gotta be careful though. We know what a 1-2 psi right to left difference can do. Use that digital tire gauge!