
I’m going to say this as politely as possible: Eat a dick, cager.



I feel bad for drivers facing these barriers. On one hand - yes, they are trying to save the lives of cyclists like me. But on the other hand, they make it tougher to watch YouTube while driving way over the speed limit. It’s a terrible inconvenience, that. What are they going to do next, force cars to stop before

Been in the bike business since the mid 90s. Raced, commuted. You name it.

“It’ll bolt right on.” 

BUT at the end of the day Bosch did not design a suitable pump to meet the requirements of our fuel.  It would be nice to have better fuel, but that is not the case.

AirTags have anti-stalking measures that warn you if you unintentionally come into possession of a new tag, which is a fantastic way to ensure they aren’t slipped into someone’s purse unaware — but a similarly great way to warn tell a thief that the bike they just stole is being tracked. they should remove the airtag

The absence of crashes does not indicate the presence of safe driving.

Why does LA do anything? You can’t apply logic to LA, it is LA baby. Shit just happens here.

Keyless start only works with the fob physically inside the car.

We just pull the Ignition and fuel pump relays and put them in a lockbox with the keys. Pretty simple and can be popped in in 20 seconds when someone needs to test drive.  

An easier solution would be to just lock up the key box.

Well the balloons make it fun at least. 

Nissan Leaf’s don’t have a combustion engine to idle.

So, it’s basically an RX-7.

What they did is more practical than it looks on paper. They were $20k $14k (corrected) underwater. There is no magic way to erase that. They owe that $20k $14k to someone regardless of their next steps.

I’m getting old and I know child safety and child car seat designs have changed. But my parents hauled my sister and I around in a Dodge Omni and later a Ford Tempo. Eventually, we got a minivan. The percentage of people that NEED a Ford Explorer has gotta be pretty small.

maybe they take a long time to recharge. like a really long time.

So you still bought one.