
Texas ice storm in 2021 messed up cell phones there for awhile, Canada had a big issue when one of three major telecoms had a nation-wide software problem for a weekend. Digital communications are narrowcast on a razor’s edge of failing. Each cell phone antenna, transmitter needs power rather than a single large

Meh, the seat that was wasted most was Mick’s.

Honestly, its their entire reputation on the line; if they don’t drag Fox through the broken glass for the billions owed and leave any room for doubt, their ability to have their machines in half the states in the nation is in question.

Don’t worry, you’re fine.  Point your lights at the garage door and make sure you have a clean cutoff, then adjust height accordingly.  If you’ve got a bunch of light bleed around the cutoff then you may need to try a different bulb, but otherwise there shouldn’t be an issue.

There are also lots of port charges to factor into the equation that just don’t come into play with point to point trucking.

Yeah, I was thinking it would be a bunch of hat, or some kind of damping mat bonded to it. Maybe a foam sandwich, although at some point you have to think maybe just do the creases and save yourself money and headaches.

Thinking something was afoot, the Johnsons ignored the dealer. But the dealer retaliated and sent a tow truck to repossess the SUV.

Meanwhile at Farmer’s Insurance...

The hill I die on most weeks is someone calling this ‘an accident’.

Hell of a salesman!

Maybe if you buy it they’ll stop posting it.

Fuck off with these half measures.

The primary influence on speed and cost is design, not materials.

If only there was a way of knowing that this boring company project was a scam.

Exactly this. Not only that but getting repair metrics from Tesla has been notoriously difficult. Just look at reliability ratings and they are all based on consumer reporting and not repair shop reporting.

...This is a big deal for GM as well as Tesla customers. Not only does it give GM a chance to look inside at the intervals of a rival automaker’s product and learn from that...

Key words here - “My neighbor got a 2015 Ford Fusion (Base) in 2014" that was 8 years ago!

Never quite understood this mindset, that the unrepentant d-bag is somehow better or more respectable than someone who might be a d-bag, but has the awareness to know being a d-bag isn't something to celebrate or broadcast... 

Entitled garbage family raises entitled garbage son. Why is she even sticking her nose into little boy’s “fight” (where he’s clearly the asshole even if past actions and words aren’t taken into account)? Real Housewives of Formula 1.

It’s F1. The driver with the fastest car always wins, not the driver with the most talent. It’s been proven year after year for the last thirty+ years. Put Verstappen in a Williams and he’s be a moving pylon. His two championships have been due to fortune and fortune alone. Last year he was gifted track positioning in