The Arrogant Hipster

"The Stannis thing is a surprise"

The promos for this that follow him around getting a shave and then films him standing in a sunbeam was the smugest thing I ever saw and killed all interest I had in the show.

Sansa's plan was suicide. I don't believe they won't… somehow…. survive, but in the moment, Reek and Sansa very clearly opt for suicide. She LITERALLY says it two seconds beforehand: "If I have to die…."

I'm a GOT expert. Books, internet, speculation, etc.

"You're a Lannister; not a whore."

No, she was the one slapping the boobs around. I don't get boobs. Is she the crazy sexual one or the runt of the little or the mama's girl? They're trying to do too much with her.

I really hope they take the one sand snake who know show to act with them. Whip girl.

When you play the game of thones—GO CHANGE YOUR OUTFIT!

He was a timid man.


I honestly still don't get Melissandre. Maybe it's the actress, but she's always seemed very aware of her own BS. I never bought her as a devout.

Why do you need that much handholding? He had a full scene telling his daugther how much he loved her, earlier this season. He was very torn in the scene with her in the tent. He was red-eyed and broken during… I don't get what more you want here.

Did everyone miss the episode's first scene? He had no other choice.

Did the ever actually get married or were they just engaged?

Dany wears black leggings under her white dresses and that's not OK. That's enough to cost her the iron, as far as I'm concerned.

Arya is not a faceless man. I feel like this season has confirmed that that is not the end of her journey. Just like the Hound, just like Tywin, she gained some skills from the experience, but I see her leaving Bravos at some point once she's gotten what she needed.

That's not out of character.

He doesn't burn Heretics; he burns who Melissandre tells him to burn. Don't editorialize. He's never been a man of Faith; he's a man of results. Melissandre promises more results. It was a horrible scene but I feel since Sansa's rape the "unnecessary" criticism has been overused. This was seeded since Season 2. It was

I really thought Hizdaar was going to be revealed as the mastermind behind the Harpys in league with the female Harpy we saw earlier this season. Nope. A dissapointment to the end. *spits on his grave*

That's… a little ridiculous.