The Arrogant Hipster

Cersei is definitely pregnant. She might likely lose the baby, but her joy at this pregnancy is part of the tragedy. Just because she's an "evil female" character doesn't mean that she's lying because "eeeviiiil woman."

That was a profoundly boring trailer. Mutants surrounded by cops stopping bullets and releasing photoshop shockwaves of undefined "energy" is something that's been cycling over and over since 2002.

…I *think* Vargas was going to take the Vice Presidency away from Cyrus when he learned about his past crimes. There was a video tape, right? That's why Cyrus was such a prime suspect early on. So, instead, Cyrus orchestrated NONSENSE upon NONSENSE to make Mellie President & Olivia her puppet master so that they would

Literally no one is arguing that they're not fictional. We're arguing that they are poorly written fictional characters; that Selina was more etnertaining and effective as a fictional mother who couldn't connect with her awkward beige daughter than as an equally fictional Family Guy spec script without the cutaways.

No, he rejected the version they submitted.

Disagree on Jonah and Selina. Jonah's previously showboating was matched with his deep insecurity and desire to be liked and part of the gang. Even as a congressman, that should be part of the character. Here, he's literally screaming and telling people to shut up at all time! The actor is great — they all are — but

You are not a lazy viewer.

Everyone's allowed their opinions but, um: literally the very opposite of that on my end.

This show is a skeleton of its former self. I just rewatched seasons 1 and 2, and there was so much more meat on these characters than there is now.

Frank Grimes was in one episode of the Simpsons, 10 years ago; can we calm down?

Thematically effective and true to the character of Hannah Horvath, but, oh my God, so fucking boring. It's OK to have loved the show, liked season 6 (5 was the best in my opinion), and still have thought that this was a profoundly boring half hour of television — on par with most "baby as revelation of the inner

So, like, can we just ask Wes to leave? Everything about him and chasing the ghost of a character nobody liked last year is just the worst. More Bonnie; Less Wes.

To be fair, Olivia has been sleeping with her husband. A lot. Like, regularly. Basically whenever she feels like it before giving a quivering speech about how it can't happen again.


That ending… I…. um….is Rachel going to try to kill Quinn? Those last two minutes and that "I love you" felt really hollow and portent. As if Rachel saying that was her first move in taking Quinn down. Especially with that, keep-the-deaths-off-camera line. Yeesh.

I think that's the point: up until last night he was the "good guy", the only one of the bunch from interns to Quinn herself that wasn't a horrible erson. And boy did he step up to the plate with that move.

I clicked to see Brie's outfit and you really screwed me over on this one, A.V. Club.

Speculate away. Who knows, Lysa Aryn might have survived her fall. You're still wrong. I'm moving on. Go write fanfiction.

"For the second part, you're pitiful for throwing around insults for such a trivial thing. If you agree that you're pitiful, that's great."

"This is the first time in the history of the show they've ever used a cutaway for a major character's death"