The Arrogant Hipster

We can't keep explaining "rape" to you. The education system has just failed you. For the record, if your date is ever bruised and crying, you are raping her. Her giving consent to going on a date with you is not actual rape consent.
It's fine that you're "*yawn*" okay with that plot device, but your "logical" defense

At 400 words, the snake ate its tail as far as as I was concerned.

That… um, that was a lot of very eloquent stupidity.

Eh. This confirms my take that Margaery is only slightly less incompetent than your average Stark male.

Wait, who were the two killers again? I think it was Henry but wasn't there someone else? I'm a sucker for a who-dun-it.

Is this series good? I honestly didn't see how they could have any more story after the first series. It felt completely self-contained.

Weeeelll, to be fair: Chuckie was collateral damage also. No one particularly gave a shit about him, and he didn't do anything wrong. The biggest parallel to that for the Gallaghers was Ian; he has been their Chuckie all season… the one people care about unconditionally.

I literally came here expecting a gentleman's goodbye A-, I loved 2009.

You get that that wasn't Sia's video but a reinterpretation in a Glee episode with an underage character defined by his overt sexuality, right?

I'll say this: the choir cover of 'Take Me To Church' was ridiculously good. Like, "find on iTunes" good.

Remember the one where New Directions put a prepubescent 13-year-old in a nude suit and had him dance around in a sexually provocative manner in a crowd?

Jessa was such a spectacular C-unit this episode. Kudos to the writing, really. The episode really captures that friend who makes a show of being there, while undercutting and poking around the wound they're pretending to heal, in an attempt to feel better about their own life.

…Huck just exists in a completely different show, doesn't he?

The character of Olivia continues to effortlessly tow the line between "black female empowerment" and just "getting white dudes to fight over her vagina."

That's your issue. You are clearly on your own journey and I wish you the best.

That is the most literal expression of what happens. It's a recurring thing now.

WRONG. That is inaccurate.

She's… narratively WAY scarier than the Red Lotus. Only Zaheer was scary, really. The others were more benders than threats.
Their appearance led to amazing bending choreographies but I never really expected them to do anything too ruthless. Kuvira WILL cut you.

This "let's write the show at the last possible moment to be as current as possible" formula is just not working anymore. Not when the writing is this shitty.