The Arrogant Hipster


To be fair, this particular POTUS has been shown to be unprecedentedly incompetent. Indecisive, deceitful to the American public, (hella jowley), married to a high-maintenance wife, unwilling to delegate and disliked by absolutely everyone under him (from Maddox to Selina).


I loved Gary nodding in the background of her "You're all losers!" speech until she signed it with him.

- "He is a character though."
- (glare) "I hate those. Hate."

After a season of them sort of coming together as a team (sometimes… maybe)) on the campaign trail, it didn't take long for everyone to revert to their worst version with a taste of power, uh?

Well, she's not really president. By the end she's losing the election quite badly (3rd not even 2nd) and her "presidency" is going really poorly, really quickly.

That wasn't really a hint.

Because of DVDs and release dates that are planned months and months in advance, all the episodes have to air by a preestablished date.

A B+ seems about right. Hilarious as usual but not, I don't know, as smooth as what I consider an A episode. Back-to-back eps made for a roller-coaster of emotions. I don't quit know how to feel about the end.

QUESTION: How many people would I kill for that painting of teen Jonah?

They kind of nailed the cake choice. It's inexplicable. After a breakup I remember browsing a cake display at the grocery store and spending 30 bucks on an ornate carrot cake….My favorite cake, Red V, was right there but I went straight to the carrot.

No way is HBO cancelling this after 1 more season. Which, thank god.

Creatively? Sure, a neeat idea. But that's REALLY not how American networks work….

See, I would buy that if the show was only going to last 4 seasons. It's not. This is a 6-7 season show (and I'm thrilled by that prospect, believe you me). So she still has to be in power at the end of season 4. Her "getting destroyed in the general election" would mean the republicans would be in power and, well,

Nothing legally prohibits it. They've seeded it pretty well, I think.

Nah, Thornhill is going to win.

I'd say he's already gone now that Dan's back. (Not bearded Dan. "Go fuck yourself, you sinking shit" Dan.)

"8 years ago? That could have been anyone. Could have been Ben."
"Yeah, I poked everything that moved back then."

Amy and Dan work so well as co-assholes in charge. I don't need them to kiss… they just have to be cruel to each other. I love her immediate disdain for the replacement Dan she hired.