The Arrogant Hipster

They're pretty great at keeping it even-handed this season. She's had a fair amount of successes. Season 2 kind of got exhausting near the end with the amounts of failures they were piling on her.

RIP Sue and Kent. The beautifully efficient love affair that wasn't…. Likely because of his mother. His racist, racist mother.

He still has THE best Veep line from season 1 in my opinion:

That "Twitch, Turn & Smile" that threw Maddox off his game had me on the floor. God, was that pitch perfect.

The entire debate was a cringe fest! I find them surprisingly bearable on Veep. Probably because every abused also gets to be a massive shithead to someone else… Balanced scales.

Kudos to the HBO team for not spoiling it with the promo two weeks ago. There were zero shots of Selina in that and now we know why!

This season is just too good for words. Every goddamn episode.

Look, you don't stay in a marriage with Alison for so many years without:

A fine piece of ass, which as far as men go on Orphan Black earns him a reprieve whilst he inevitably bangs his way through clone club.

I love how she left the nametag for DONNIE blank and unardorned. You think you know passive-aggressive, you don't know Alison.

I realize this makes no sense but I partly resent Tatiana Maslany for
crowding all the Orphan Black praise. It should go to Alison, goddammit!

Like, right in the vage. There was cobbler all over the living room.
The whole thing was frankly shocking.

This one goes a long way back but I remember the first two episodes of Angel season 5 leaking very early. They were regular TV quality if I recall… I was in middle school at the time.

What are you, hourly? COMPLETELY different juju.

That's not how leaked footage works. And, no, I wouldn't mind getting the torrent after this split season bull.

That was such a Pete line. If we were given a mad men script with the names redacted, this would be the easiest one to pick.

If we're dispensing pop psychology….

Well, not as sharp as it used to be… Fuzzier, might say an optometrist.

Real talk, gang:

I'm sure they would have exploded too but I wonder how things would have gone if he'd picked Faye.