The Arrogant Hipster

This season was eh for me ("doctors doing research, yo!") but I really did love the "Do You Know" episode and alternate futures for Christina.

Never moving to Seattle though. Jesus. That city is a goddamn Hellmouth.

…Um, zing on the username I consciously picked? I guess?

I liked season 4. The NY stuff (Sarah Jessica Parker, Cassandra July) mostly worked for me. And—minority opinion—I kind of really liked the new generation. (Marley, Unique, Kitty, Jake, the Ken doll.)

Glee REALLY doesn't have the spare change to poke fun at Lena Dunham and the narcissism of girls.

The spirit of competition (or at least the adversity of "the biz") was at least something to hang on to… You could count on a random Vocal Adrenaline team edging them out or later a hard-ass NYADA teacher, creating some stakes. This is just…I don't even know.

Schaal is one of those actors I so deeply wish I liked but cannot stand.

I don't get Brandon's scale for this show at all. This blew baby chunks in my opinion.


We'll always have:

Eh, that hammer death in the pilot got to me.

How was the violence this week?

I am not from Wisconsin. Not sure where that came from…. What a random (and yet surprisingly hurtful) insult.

Oh, I believe it. It just ages me beyond repair. *long cigarette drag*

There's nothing greater for a person's self-esteem than a drive through South Dakota. I highly recommend it.

There are no good or bad people on this show. From Peggy to Peter by way of Don, it shows that people are simply products of their circumstances. I can't remember one (significant) character not doing something "jerky."

I'll abtain from any lengthy analysis of this loaded episode.

Gary's love for Selina is one of the best things ever portrayed on television. It's has all the ickiness of incest without the blood relations.

Link, pls? I hate when my real news and parodies mix. Google Search becomes a bitch.

Sweet mercy, do I love this show. No episode since the so-so season opener has been less than an A in my book.