The Arrogant Hipster

Just when I think I couldn't physically love JLD more in this role, you (literally) stuff Chris Meloni in there.

Ron Cadillac isn't "awesome", you troglodytes… Ron Cadillac is freaking epic!

There's discussing the elements that are obviously there (Like last week's opening where her and her yoga crew are) but I'm sorry but there's no feminist think piece to be extracted from a cat sketch or drunk wedding guest sketch. Other than "she's a woman so it has to mean something different!" and no, it doesn't.

How fucking dare you?

Don't forget though, he's white.

Jonah has hit on her before. And the rebuff was closer to "you're gross" rather than "I'm married."

Yeah, these Amy Schumer reviews are exhausting. If I wasn't already watching, I certainly wouldn't want to try the show after reading them—even with the high grades. In trying to heighten the sociopolitical feminist aspect of the show via analytic essay every week, it basically kills the entire humor and irreverence

I loved it. Selina literally just promoted him, giving him free reign over her career, just to break an awkward silence on the ride from the restaurant!

I actually REALLY loved this episode. More than last week's which was pretty great.

Who would have thought that Amy trying to be friendly would make Dan look like a puppy?

"Some people say three microwaves is overkill… My response to that is always Tapas."

Straight Guys Talkin' 'Bout Glee: In other hetero-normative news: what in Susan Brownell Anthony's name was Kurt wearing in that first scene?

"Let's not make it seem like telling people of color apart it's some
impossible thing that only super aware people are able to do."

You know Stepdad 2 taught him all about the ladies.

And the hoodie. Hoodies are the new ties. Pass it on.

Yup. Something about Silicon Valley just isn't working for me on the satire front. It's just an HBO "Big Bang Theory", complete with cartoonish and colorful outfits.

Not to mention that Alicia was not assessing two ID pictures under pleasant lighting.

I love what a truly bad mother Betty is. She isn't evil or cruel, she's just… really shitty at it. Her setting out to be the good, involved and cool mom and then turning on a dime when Bobby accidentally does something she considers selfish just rang true for some reason.

Um, excuse you. My girl 2. She falls in love with a prettier guy in that one.

"Do you want to do a selfie? I call that an us-ie. It's an iPhone joke or something." (laugh)