The Arrogant Hipster


I liked Rachel's last one best actually. They were dressed in red and she went all Celine Dion on those mofos.

I think the point of that one was to position him somewhere very specific by the end of the season. (Prison.)

Agreed. This was dealt with seasons ago as well. Blaine and Rachel were romantic leads in the school's version of… Westside Story, I want to say?

Shut the fuck up! Can I at least have some goddamn salt for this thing?!

Well, that was a whole lotta nonsense.

Her reading of "dildo I destroyed from overuse" was a thing of beauty. I want it to be my new ringtone.

Yeah the Jezebel trigger is a little ridiculous here. As far as the media goes "continuous mistress of openly married man" kind of has that connotation. Certainly from the brunt PR perspective Olivia Pope operates through.

That was like 3 episodes worth of stuff in 42 minutes: they don't have time to talk slow! I counted and we had, what, 5 plotlines? Jesus. They'll need to go Gilmore pretty soon if they keep things at this pace.

It must be so fun to be an actor on this show.

I've been around for a while now…

NO. We're not doing that. It barely worked inside the episode.

Any episode that starts with a Malory voice-over, lying out the case/client and/or involves an exotic setting counts as a "mission" episode for me.

It was a McGuffin.

"…reminds me of a lecture I had to sit through about Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse. It’s a classic, naturally; a portrait of Woolf’s parents’ complicated marriage…"

I loved that OCD bit. It's so instantly triggered that it made me a bit sad for Hannah's mother. A season ago, she couldn't figure out her daughter's illness and even when it's right there in front of her now, her mother goggles still prevent her from seeing herself as the trigger.

Moment of realness for me:

"Rebecca is another chance for the show to point out that not everybody in
Hannah’s generation is as self-absorbed as she and her friends are."

Aunt Margo's face exercises stretches in that hospital hallway.

Super thought they were going to kill the Home Depot worker too..