The Armdancer

MAGA! Trump was right, Obamacare is a disaster!*

I used to work for a company owned by Kush. This is some Illuminati stuff right here.

If only they’d gone the North Carolina route and made that benefit available to all students, not just athletes, they could have gotten off clean.

Fight Me.


Excellent use of Flacco elite

A letter so morally bankrupt, I’m surprised it’s not being featured in The Player’s Tribune.

Everyone can laugh all they want but she didn’t finish in last, or next to last.

This is just like the Duke Lacrosse scandal all over again, except the fame-grubbing district attorney is ALL OF YOU and the fame-grubbing sex worker is also ALL OF YOU and outrage culture is the courtroom and the Power Point Presentation of student athlete sex skills and dong size is the evidence and you know who the

Is it already the Year of the Ass?

“I like the way they think” - George Michael Bluth

“I like the way they think”

Thanks for the AD laugh on a Monday morning. Bateman and Cera were perfect.

Of course scandals like this are nothing new in curling. Last year at the Tournament of Hearts the Skip of the Manitoba team was busted for having a blood-alcohol level under .12. The sport still hasn’t recovered.

Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.

I can confirm that these accounts are TOTALLY true: I went to see Black Panther on Thursday night and as soon as I entered the theater, someone had the GALL to look me in the FACE and tell me “YOU DON’T BELONG HERE.” Then they POINTED to the EXIT and said, “BLACK PANTHER IS ACTUALLY IN THE OTHER THEATER, THIS ONE IS