I guess I better catch up then.
I guess I better catch up then.
Can I watch this season if I've only seen the first 2 episodes? Are the episodes stand alone like The Simpsons?
still haven't started watching it. 4 episodes in, is it worth it or nah?
it's a fucking comedy -_-
good thing the rest of the world doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, eh?
yeah, i laugh
This was his later-Louie moment
Can someone actually talk about "both sides" without sounding like a smug, self-important, condescending asshole?
Manic pixie dream girl, anyone?
I'm of the opinion that Dev turned into an entitled douchebag at the end. Is that a controversial view?
he can't do subtle, though. Chewing the scenary is his strenght
uhhh, it was the other way.
you can easily tell this was written by a men even if you didn't know it beforehand. Enough said.
I thought the whole Crip vs Blood war died in the 90s. Are LA gangs still a thing in 2017?
haha. so petty it's funny
yeah, what's up with that "bonnect" thing?
So, it's basically like Stranger Things without the cute kids?
This episode did nothing for me :/
well, the apathy part is true. the number of witnesses is wrong. and if you keep reading after the first páragraph, you'll see they acknowledge their false reporting
it's like people can adopt a religion later in life. crazy, i know