i find them cute *shrugs*
i find them cute *shrugs*
now THAT's pretentious
Tarantino wasn't that wrong. I wonder what he thinks of him now after watching The Return.
i thought he was nice until this episode. turned out to be another creepy loser who couldn't take a no
Thought that Dustin was going to come back from the backyard and ruin the moment for them. I guess it was nice of him he didn't after he fucking chased her around?
he can't.
are you gonna say this is like that?
i couldn't remember anything about season 1 and I assumed too he was gay
it was great, hater
I don't want to sound like a whiny MRA but man, most men on this show are awful. The chubby guy from Mad Men who keeps popping up on every damn show turned out to be a clingy creep
that's the spanish pronunciation
Exposition in Twin Peaks is a blessing
David Lynch gives a dirty old man vibe.
isn't that a Marilyn Manson lyric?
Conway is losing control of his political future so he asks the pilot for the control of the plane, increasingly getting angry. This is how subtle HoC is.
Empire DID shoot Taraji to stardom. I remember her as Brad Pitt's mom (!) in Benjamin Button but her name wasn't familiar to mainstream audiences.