The Argentinian

AHS is popular and this season is relevant again, so no.

Wait, you’re black but you know nothing about Hamilton?!

no one cares about GA

I couldn’t disagree more.

there are more “stray observations” about the reviewer than of the show -_-

Am I the only one who thinks s03 was just ok? All of the antagonists were OTT. Hardly memorable.

I bet you’re fun at parties

oh, well, at least he didn’t blame the media this time

no, he’s not. he’s another teen idol like Bieber who has fans that will stand by him no matter what


223 comments when there used to be a thousand.

go fuck yourself

all of the terrible musical performances? Excuse me, bitch?!

fuck off

testing, testing

it wasn’t a slip. he thought he was being funny

what was the original headline?

Ok, but WTF is Cinefamily?!

what a fucking mess…

what a fucking mess…