
I despise Jessa so much right now, I hope that at some point she gets treated as shittily as she treats people. Thought it was interesting that in a way shosh's interaction with Hannah was like a job interview for most supportive friend, and the only reason she didn't get the job is because the employer (Hannah) is

Jessa is the Britta

So I do career counseling for college kids, and while they would never say it out loud, there are a lot of kids who go on interviews knowing full well they're not going to take the job if offered. And I read them the riot act for it every time they tell me.

I'm re-watching and as insufferable as marnie is, Jessa reaches a whole other plane of gross obnoxious harridan-ness with her pissing in the street routine. And anyway wouldn't she have more of a chance of getting a UTI by not wiping after peeing? Her sad plea for Adam's friendship at the end does not do nearly

Will there be an official announcement that goosebumps will, from now on, be referred to as Goosies? bc I'm not sure if I can comply… Also… when is adam going to grow his beard back?

Oh thanks for that insight, I would've thought it would be the other way around since rugby seems so much more physical/ rough and tumble than football.

I don't know, full soft well kept beard surrounding a set of nice plush
lips… pretty tough combo to beat and has made my knees weak plenty of
times. But I will split the difference and agree that too many dudes are super lazy w. their facial
hair and it often ends up looking like they've got a set of pubes on their

One little micro-moment I loved was Larry standing in front of the urinal, helpless to even pretend to pee because his junk was trapped in spanks. Lovely and hilarious.

I cannot wait until we have an episode focusing on Eddie. All hail
Eddie, potential redeemer of Augustin and patron saint of bears

Lol at Elijah's imitation of a bro. That innocent iowan didnt have a chance!

"Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter is the gift that keeps on giving."
It's kind of strange, but Haley Awell really gives me goosebumps! I liked her fine when I first saw Captain America: The First Avenger, but every subsequent viewing of that movie, and of the various shorts and specials she's done just increases my

God yes, I watched generations when I was like 11 and without any deep knowledge of star trek, I felt so wronged by his end in that movie. Going back and watching the original series and seeing TOS cast members in TNG just made me even more upset.

PREACH. I think of into darkness as glorified fan fiction, and people don't understand that most of my disappointment with ST:ID stems from the fact that i SO LOVED the first one… and i am bitterly disappointed by the follow up.

Swing Away Merrill. Swing Away.

I'm totally fine with much of what happened, because basically with the exception of Lafayette's monologue, this was fan fiction brought to life. And i support that completely. Plus I know Pam has all the killer one liners, but props to Arlene's "I have to go tinkle because I am a human" love.

At this point i'm definitely most interested in christopher eccleston, Amy Brennaman and Liv Tyler. I'd love to get an in depth look into Tyler's character before she goes full on mute. I have read some comments where people aren't ready to condemn the guilty remnant, but seriously, fuck those dudes. Also, fuck

Kwanten jumping on Skarsgard's back looked like those natural geographic photos where the momma monkey carries the baby monkey on its back. Delightful.

Just watched this today, and the thing that struck me was PB's statement that Finn could be a harm to himself and others. It's such classic therapy language, so to me the ghost arm was a manifestation of a whole plethora of psych issues in addition to ptsd, obsessive compulsive, schizophrenia, etc. Btw this and

Oh I love that! Keith David does strong and noble well. I'd forgotten that he'd played Goliath. He's totally the flame king for me now, lol.

I haven't seen this episode yet. But I I'm super excited it's being covered. I think if Steven's lion had a voice I think I'd like it to be Phil Lamaar ala samurai jack. Deep voice smooth, but of few words.