
You know. I watched this two times, and it wasn't until I read your comment that I processed the inherent grossness of that combo. I think my ears heard coleslaw and in a stunning feat of cognitive denial, my brain translated it into sauerkraut, a much more palatable sandwich topper, for me anyway.

Yeah, but there are still way too many people who don't stick around till the end, despite marvels best attempts to train us. The important plot points HAVE to come mid credits to maximize viewership

Given that ultron is the next avenger big bad, I think his being a computer is a really good time in. I am fairly sure the data migrated

It's a weaker rhyme but I say Asians ain't fadin'

Yeah, but in Stahl's defense….that chair is dead sexy… re: romantic chemistry, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Kennex is supposed to be straight bc almost all macho cop characters on american tv are straight, and Dorian is an android- can't even begin to speculate on android sexuality, but I think if they

I think a few people see this, and I'm one of them. On the face of it, I see more chemistry between Kennex and Dorian than I do btw. Kennex and Stahl. Urban and Ealy just gel together that well. Sorry you don't see it bc their connection is hands down the best part of that show.

I almost felt sorry for Augustin this episode, but he is this show's Britta, i.e. the worst. But at least Britta isn't toxic. I'm so proud of Frank for putting an end to it, and his observation was so poignant. I've definitely been an Augustin in a relationship and a Frank, and if you're in Augustin mode, the best

If she's in the same neighborhood as someone who worked at the DMV maybe she and her parents were too poor to get the necessary corrective surgery. One thing that I think AH has been consistent about is portraying the stark class disparity. That being said, I'm sure the writers didn't even think of it :-/

I definitely wanted to pump the breaks on this episode and really savor the content, bc it was pretty jam packed. I'm interested in the ramifications of having another human in ooo, and if she can educate Finn and the others re the earth and what it used to be. Probably won't be able to have a betty centric episode

I loved S.U. tonight, and am pumped at Garnet emerging as the mature grounded unequivocal leader ( for some reason I assumed it was Pearl, w. Garnet as the lancer). The design of opal was gorgeous, like Hindu art w. An anime twist. Delightful.

I think there is at least a 15 year difference between them. And talent wise, I think she can learn a lot from Reedus.

Why are you putting "or" between those names instead of and?

I ALMOST felt bad for Augustin seeing how nicely cj and Frank clicked. I hope it becomes clear to Augustin that his general sense of dysphoria is torpedoing any chance he has of true intimacy and connection.

Err… um… well they never did the supply runs on foot, so they stuck to the roads and never really investigated the tracks…Also um…uh…aliens? Anyway quit getting your logic all over the place…

Notable exceptions being morgan ( Lennie james) and the governor, whose name escapes me at the mo'

Agreed. Seems like they are pairing weaker actors - I.e. younger ones with more seasoned actors in the hopes that it will help the more junior performers step up their game.

I'm not complaining….she is smoking hot. I'm complaining about how useless this is in the zombie apocalypse where one scratch = death. I get that they are sticking to their look in the comic, but they've deviated so much from the comic already, they could've deviated from that too.

This was one of the most tense episodes we've had for a while. I think Andrew Lincoln is at his best when he's not talking. Those instances when we just see raw emotion from Rick resonate the most with me. Plus seeing Danai G. Have a chance to expand her range was sublime.

I think Remy and the press secretary would be adequate stamped replacements…

I was neutral re: Minka Kelly, but was tipped a bit into the negative viewpoint with her weird smiling/smirking toward the end of the episode. I'm going to stick with AH. I think the Kennex dorian repartee is worth some of the more disappointing elements.