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I’ll have to watch this movie again sometime, I remember very little of it and my only clear recollection was that it didn’t make any sense.

The fact that Gwen follows up with “what are you doing?” makes it even better.

The Ewoks still don’t bother. Just that awkward dance celebration at the end.

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The bit that ruined Phantom Menace for me from the start, was that hyper-fast Jedi run that they made at the beginning, when fighting the droideka.

If you’re going to rewatch the Prequels, then you owe it to yourself to rewatch these:

Slate has a wonderful piece on how excited all Star Wars fans were when Episode 1 was announced, how vociferously they defended it against critics, and how long it took them to realize the depths of its suckitude.

most kids films do end with a central character having his arms and legs cut off right before bursting into flames in a river of liquid hot magma

I thought Spider-Gwen had her own title on her homeworld. Is she part timing here too?

Awesome as it is, I can see a bunch of people (myself included) quitting the games after 2 hours or so due to how horribly slow they are - unless they come with an option to speed them up.

The crucial problem with the movie is that it wasted 2 hours of what could have been great character development between an adult Anakin and Obi-Wan showing their friendship, getting us to care about them, and then when the inevitable fall happened, it would feel like a punch to the gut.

wrote this over the weekend for a friend’s site:

Starting out with a trade dispute and dealing with more convoluted politics would have been just fine if the characters had not all been planks. There is nothing very memorable about anyone but Jar Jar (for bad reasons) and Darth Maul (for looking incredibly badass but woefully underutilized).

“Taxation” notwithstanding, my sense of it was this:

I haven’t watched the prequels in a long time. Maybe not since they came out. This:

The flaws with The Fandom Menace are too plentiful to list.

So why was the Trade Federation blockading Naboo? I know that Palpatine was manipulating them, but what were they getting out of the deal?

Yes I remember seeing this movie well. The acting was poor the CG was whelming, the plot... meh then it WHAAA .....

Oh, shit. Here were go....let the defenders crawl out while the haters await them eagerly with hammers.

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Something I saw over on AV Club after the last trailer for VII came out:

The movie looks really good, but I’m really starting to think there will be little to no trade negotiations in this.