
Or to hire good teams to work on it and actually respect the material. The Marvel comics in particular have been great for the most part. They have a way better understanding of the Star Wars universe than Lucas showed in the prequels. And Lucas definitely knew how to make money off the Prequels. That’s the only

Disney is doing an awesome job with Star Wars

Wasn’t Secret Wars supposed to combine the universes? What is this garbage? They gave up that fast?

That scene made it feel like a Jingle All the Way sequel

Also, the word “droideka”.

Did you even see the only decent scene in RotS where the Jedi are being systematically murdered and Yoda chops off clone heads? Did you see Anakin burning? Did you see Darth Maul get chopped in half or Padme’s space-lingerie?

At least the Ewoks tried to sacrifice people, eat people, and beat Storm Troopers to death.

Yeah slavery in their world doesn’t seem to be bad at all. Anakin seems to come and go as he pleases and they have their own nice little home.

Clone Wars fans would argue that he is alive in the cartoon, but that doesn’t forgive bad writing in the movie.. where he was clearly dead.

What, you think there was any reasoning behind any of the political garbage in these movies? It was just Lucas throwing around the biggest words he knew in order to try and make the movie seem intelligent. It didn’t mean anything.

The people who say that are the worst and should be imprisoned for life.

That’s a big somewhat

Good. Now everyone who obsesses over these will see how much worse they are than the new games.. or not.. because the Genwunners don’t actually play the games.