Nick Ha

you just can’t defend your position, because it’s indefensible.

As someone who plays inverted, this ain’t it, because it’s inconsistent with horizontal inversion.

This was my experience too. Fandom can be truly life-changing. I can directly trace my journey to becoming a Producer at Nickelodeon all the way back to that one time I went to a My Little Pony meetup in 2012 and met the people that would change my life.

It’s very likely based on whichever game stops selling first on PS. If Tsushima is moving units and making money on PS5, there’s literally no reason for them to port it until that well dries up.

We can always predict for them to reliably milk as much money from the PS5 version as they can (and prey on PC gamers who want it now and can’t wait for a port, guaranteeing the sale of a PS5 + game).

C’mon, fam. I literally named them in the post you’re replying to:

I’m the same as you. I use Eneloops that have lasted years across multiple generations of consoles and they haven’t failed me after all this time. We have a particular preference, and that’s valid.

Keeping the AA slot but including a play-and-charge is the ideal scenario. I’ve always felt that, if MS really cared about giving users a choice, instead of forcing users to pay extra for the ability to recharge, they would have included the play-and-charge kit with the box. This solution is the best of both worlds.

how positively quaint! just a siwwy widdle slip-up from gigantic corporations making anticompetitive cutthroat deals for exclusive rights that prevent half the population from accessing a piece of art for literally no technologically justifiable reason besides creating artificially induced scarcity that forces

a different setting, yes. from a different game.

It’s pretty clear that they were going for a humans-only kind of game, which is a perfectly valid approach to sci-fi. You wanting for intelligent life is wanting for a different game entirely.

This is, as they often say, a bit of a reach.

“Added e-waste” is not a typical consumer concern. That doesn’t even rank as an inconvenience. It’s just “oh, they gave me an option and I prefer my own.” No skin off your back to toss it aside and slot in your own AAs.

And even then you’re likely to get advance copies anyways.

Far be it from me to let a corporation off the hook for a scummy business practice, it’s definitely shitty of them to squeeze another $30 for a problem they literally just invented and try to reverse-psychology us into thinking it’s a bonus.

Man, it’s wild how much our playstyles differ, my looks completely different. I tend to avoid the ones that are pure stat upgrades, and instead go for the ones that unlock actual features:

Most of the lore and story was written by Michael Chu, who quit a year before Overwatch 2 came out… and I have no doubt it’s because he found out the story he’d been trying to get made for years and was promised he could finally have was being severely cut.

Am I the only one here who thinks Inon Zur’s soundtracks are not really all that great?

SkyUI for Skyrim was perfectly useable with a controller. Baldur’s Gate 3 literally just came out with a fantastic controller UI, for an infinitely more complex game.

I’m also on Game Pass, and Vortex works just fine. Mods like StarUI are perfectly useable. The only mods that don’t work right now are SFSE mods. (Which, to be fair, will be more and more of them as time goes on.)