Nick Ha

Baldur’s Gate 3 just came out like 3 weeks ago and it has an absolutely fucking stellar console UI. “Designed for controller” is no longer an excuse. And controllers are not to blame for Bethesda not letting you… *checks notes*… sort your inventory by item type or check your weapon’s DPS.

(Ignore this, I’m testing out Kinja comment formatting.)

Here’s some more tips:

I have literally never heard this said about Skyrim or Oblivion’s main quest. Everyone says they’re forgettable as hell. This is the first time I’ve ever heard that Bethesda’s main quest is any good.

There’s a healthy array of non-lethal weaponry in this game. It’s totally possible. …Just not in the tutorial.

Psst, Kenneth, pro-tip: if you’re having trouble looting, hold down X on PS5 (or A on Xbox/Switch). A menu will pop up listing every item and container within range of your character, and then you can just go up and down the list to loot.

CDPR: we should start migrating to more modern engines
Bethesda: we have a modern engine at home
modern engine at home:

I don’t think most people would be upset about Karlach’s endings if there wasn’t a TON OF SETUP FOR ONE WHERE WE SAVE HER. Underline boldface. All of the critics saying “stop whining about getting a sad ending” don’t understand that the problem is “then don’t lead us on with a happy one!”

That’s the problem. I don’t think most people would be upset about Karlach’s endings if there wasn’t a TON OF SETUP TO SAVE HER. Underline boldface. All of the critics saying “stop whining about getting a sad ending” don’t understand that the problem is “then don’t lead us on with a happy one!

Everyone I’ve spoken to who’s worked on this show has been saying that it’s turning out fucking incredible, narratively, so it’s really disappointing for me to see that they chose to do this as one of their first steps into the limelight.

yikes that’s quite a glaring error lol

Yeah, the journal definitely should have been clearer about this. It’s so big and tantalizing and mysterious off in the distance, so of course we’re gonna wanna find our way to it as soon as possible. There’s absolutely nothing indicating that it’s just foreshadowing for Act 2.

Answer: Me, streaming from my PC to my 4K living room TV without having to string a gigantic HDMI cable around the house.

Nah, a real DM comes up with interesting consequences for your failures, and those will very often be far more interesting than “ok we fight you now”. That’s the real difference between BG3 and a good DM: NPCs rarely let you go back up the dialogue tree to try any of the other ones—it usually just dumps you straight

Admittedly, I can’t think of a single other game that lets you keep this many quicksaves. Most games don’t even let you have more than one, much less 25 or 50. Even Fallout and Elder Scrolls limit you to just one, and those are… pretty popular, I guess?

If Xbox really cared about giving gamers a choice, then they’d include a Play-And-Charge kit with the controller.

I’m not sure what you mean by this. Almost every single game I buy on Xbox is cross-buy for PC.

This is my literal favorite “next-gen” feature. It genuinely baffles me why Microsoft doesn’t push this harder. They should be slapping “Xbox + PC” on every single digital copy of the game. Maybe even throw “Cloud” into that, since you’ll also be able to jack into Starfield from your phone.

this was my literal exact thought. he is going to look at this and think it’s flattering.

lmao dog, datamining is fun to these people. It’s investigative, archaeological work to piece together secrets from limited info. The same mentality as those who like to read all the item descriptions in Dark Souls to infer the history and lore of the world.