Nick Ha

If it’s $300, then it would be way more cost-efficient to simply buy a $450 Steam Deck and install Chiaki on it, so you can stream PS5 games and do a bunch of other cool stuff.

Man, hot take, but I’m still shocked that the PS3 was able to come out of that generation on top. Even at the end of its lifespan it was still playing catch-up with so many of the 360's features. And they never got around to fixing the god-awful triggers, either.

Super important to point out that the common link here is dubbing studio Formosa Interactive.

I’m extremely confused. You say “that’s a terrible price, they often go for $80", but the price listed is $75… How is that a terrible price when it’s lower than the one you cited?

Hearing all you people argue over definitions of legality is melting my brain because it’s completely missing the point that this is fucked up. 

First off, just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s okay. Hearing all these people argue over definitions of legality is melting my brain because it’s a stupid argument couched in cold unfeeling logic. I don’t give a shit if it’s legal, it’s still fucked up.


yes please more bookworm

As much as I appreciate this guy for making sure his employees are treated like actual human beings, I have to wonder how effective he thinks his messaging is.

Season never came out on Game Pass.

Gotta love how this is being talked about like it’s an unsolved problem, as if there aren’t two major competitors who figured out this issue two console generations ago. Not that we shouldn’t be, of course—it just shows how skeptical we are of Nintendo’s ability to get this right on a basic level, lmao

Not Xbox, but Game Pass, which also exists on PC, and continues to be a curated treasure trove of indies that are very easy to just install and fire up since it’s just there for you to download at any time you want without having to cough up extra dough.

Kotaku isn’t a monolith. The review was by John Walker, this article was by Ethan Gach. Maybe they had different perspectives on the game.

Correct. Step-by-step:

IMO this is easily the best deal in gaming. In case anyone wants to know how the math adds up for it:

The removable faceplates is such a good idea, and I really wish they would take that tack with the Elite controllers.

That’s honestly a shame. I haven’t finished Season yet, but what I’ve played of it was beautiful. The beginning starts quite slow and small-scale, but it has so far gone to some really moving places.

Of all the “didn’t read the article” comments I’ve seen on Kotaku over the years, yours certainly takes the crown for the most confidently incorrect. PC is still getting most of the paid content updates. It’s the free features—raytracing, a career builder, a career progress tracker—that are missing.

WoW was never “about” that. There was always a shit-ton of heavy stuff going on, even in vanilla.

In all fairness, it’s only the characters that are animated on 2's (and occasionally 3's and 4's). The camera and backgrounds are on 1's the entire time. This is true of most animation, really.