Nick Ha

Any word on why this “no download needed is exclusive to Xbox?

this just in: Kojima asks the filmmakers why his documentary is so short, and they have to explain to him the concept of “pacing”. he was last overheard asking “what’s a film editor?”

Re: Starfield, yes, but not just because of the floating space rocks, but also because of Bethesda’s god-awful quest design that sends you bouncing from planet to planet nearly each and every quest step. This has been a problem not just in Starfield but since Bethesda popularized the feature in 2005 with Oblivion. I

except Palworld is actually fun and has some thoughtful innovations on both the survival and the monster-collecting genre, so

Something like this plus an HDMI output would turn it into the ultimate console, imo.

Okay, how? How exactly does Fortnite supposedly manage to avoid this problem?

lmao i don’t know if you realize that the sentence “Girlfriend lets me play it as long as I’m ‘hanging out’ with her” makes your relationship sound hilariously unhealthy.

They threw out the baby with the bathwater. We just wanted Factions 2, not some hulking GaaSy monstrosity.

Because console wars = multiple competitors = innovation.

Regardless of how well or how poorly Sony does with the rest of this generation, I get the sense that they’ve already won the wars that matter, purely via inertia. Everyone’s gaming libraries, friends, and trophies are now on PS. That momentum makes it hard for me to imagine a world where MS can ever take the crown

I’ve always believed that being able to just make whatever you want with whoever you want is the ideal end-state for any creative. It’s an immense privilege to have the reputation and money to do that. Hideki Kamiya is one of the rare few who will ever manage to earn that privilege and I hope he exploits it to the

There is something incredibly ironic about getting negative feedback on your internal review from Bungie, a studio that is apparently struggling to stay above water.

this is like buying a $30 course teaching you how to use a microwave

this is like buying a $30 course teaching you how to use a microwave

I don’t know. I feel like, at its very core, there’s a fundamental lack of interesting things to discover in Starfield that no amount of “improved traversal options” can fix.

The real answer is all the quality-of-life ecosystem stuff that Xbox has. 

I hope this game (and F76) is a wake-up call for Bethesda to finally actually start improving their fast-travel-reliant quest design and their awful UI that’s been almost completely the same since Skyrim.

not with that attitude


Okay, I can see that for the left stick, since it’s a natural resting position for the thumb. But the right stick is in the same place as on the DS5, so is that not still getting flexed regardless of which controller you’re using?

How is it that your left thumb is cramping but not your right?