
Consult Gasbuddy before the trip for the cheapo gas stations along the way.

If you are going to keep the car for more than 2 years, just go ahead and get the Michelins.

Paint the roads white like Los Angeles.

A hot hatch with a diesel and a long legged transmission ?  Hell yes. ( I don’t care about acceleration).  But janked up like this, no. 

Put solar panels over lake shasta to shade it from the sun.

Same old story. Many people buy more car than they need. Most people should be driving around in a corolla, fit or minivan. Dealers are not sticking a gun to buyers heads forcing them to buy a pricier or bigger vehicle. If buyers said ‘No, that is more than I need, I don’t need that overpriced POS, show me something

Back out into space, the way snow does. Unless it hits something, like a building, tree, person ect.

If new/used cars are more expensive, more people are willing to repair their cars. Are mechanics jacking up their prices ?.........I’ll see myself out.

80's Dodge tradesman van with the 318 ? Hitting the gas made a whooshing sound, way too high revs without much progress. Just cruising it seemed the engine lugged and bogged. Drank a lot too. Maybe it just needed a tune up. An econoline(ford) of the same era ran way better. I also recall sitting in the back seat of my

First, evict two of my neighbours.

The rockies are higher in altitude than the tahoe region for sure yet I never had a problem with my sea level 100hp hyundai accent loaded with skis and skiers. Yeah, sometimes I was in 3rd, foot to the floor for a minute or two but who cares. Most of the time it was just regular driving.

A lot of recent records fell because of covid 19. Athletes were locked down and could not be reached. Random drug testers could not travel. Many, many competitions were cancelled(so no in competition testing either).  Lots of athletes could stay in their hometown, take whatever they wanted for months with impunity,

Tough call but rules are rules and she knew them. And mom would have wanted her to go to the olympics more than anything in the world. 

It does have a 212cc engine though.

Tan walls would look more period correct.  Judging by the space beneath the fork crown and the droop of the brake pads those are 700 and not 27 wheels.  I also like the olde timey rubbery screw expander bar plugs.  Saddles get a pass, comfort is the only criteria.  But hey, this is not our bike, enjoy it Raphael !

Mafac brakes ?

Its a darn shame that its more difficult and expensive to buy something that involves schlepping around a transfer case and extra driveshafts. Which most buyers will rarely, rarely ever need.

At least you acknowledge the fact that pets have an environmental impact. 

And you worked for Chrysler ?  This explains a lot.

If you have never owned a van before you will be amazed by its utility.