
The base is good for those who will actually use it for work. Unlike a van, dirty or loose stuff can be carried in the bed but the four doors make it a usefull family car. Depending on the business, mpg adds up so the hybrid drivetrain helps.

Spray bleach on the glaciers.

If its a hybrid it has to be a plug in, otherwise its pointless. Probably can plug in at the school on the lowley 110v socket. Crappy roads and lots of mileage, Toyota  Rav4 prime. Problem is plug in hybrids are in high demand now, $$$.  A teacher should be able to do the math and figure out the ROI.

I bet a lot of EV owners are 2 car households. And they don’e want to pay big bucks for a battery range they almost never use.  There may be a market out there for a smaller range EV to park beside the ICE car. Although Mazda has to lower the price for the smaller battery/range.

Booze + Meds

When I worked at Home Depot, some old timer told me to use the forklift to shove the first pallet forward with the second one. He told me before we do this, he put his pickup truck in neutral and the parking brake on. Couple months later I told this to Mr F-350 heavy duty truck owner. He just waved his hand and said

I have seen the cops stake out spots like that in Montreal. The cop walks right out onto the street and points to the car and then points to side street where they will reicieve their ticket. The look on the drivers face is priceless and the other drivers are laughing their asses off.

I commuted and got around a lot by bicycle the last 20 years. Holy cow, pedestrians. EV’s definitely need some kind of noise generator.

This is true. Carburated cars were a sketchy start in cold weather, unless the block heater was plugged in for at least 2 hours.  It was a fine line of keep cranking it untill it starts but not so long that it floods or kills the battery. 

I read a lot about “why buy a new tercel when you can buy a used corolla” ect. Sometimes a tercel or fit is what you want. And a lot of people don’t want the hassle of buying a used car. They want a basic new car and drive it into the ground for the next 20 years. And for early 20somethings a used tercel or fit is all

google        Zimbabwae + corruption

Its not like peloton invented the treadmill or this was an unknown possibility.

Seems like each tire can handle roughly 100hp on dry pavement.  Cars are getting so powerful now that they “need”  4wd,  otherwise traction control kicks in hard.  And the cult of 4wd in the tahoe area is ridiculous. 

Get a few water bombers, fill them up with this paint, bomb reno and phoenix in the spring. In the fall, tank them up with vanta black, repeat.

How about a bare bones versuion of this. 2wd, steel wheels, standard four banger and very basic trim. An easily removable rear seat with a rubber floor. Loose, dirty, big or weird shape stuff can go in the bed. Tools, other materials ect can go in the rear ‘seat’ area and not get wet or stolen. For the family trip the

Good for towing or offroad but if you want space get a van.

Society and culture have pounded into our heads that we have to eat so much. ‘Three square meals a day’ through history was a dream for most, not a reality. A nice dinner with a soup, a main course and desert was something reserved for sundays or holidays.  A cookie or chocolate bar was something special to be had

The problem is you could tell the buyer of that car for that “quote” price (8 grand over MSRP) and the buyer will say the same thing as the dealer, its “only “ XXX a month.

Increased  frontal area of SUV’s ?

I’m guessing that hybrids work well in racing since they are not gently coasting to a corner but going as fast as possible to the corner then hammering the brakes. (regen)