
With a 10 speed how much torque do you really need ?

If all the folk complaining would actually go and vote for real this nutbar would have never been elected

After dealing with chinese construction contractors this is zero suprise.

Except for the nose, that thing is awesome.

No more plastic leaf springs. 

Just a wild guess but those 2 Teslas combined have more torque than the three trucks combined ?   And those truck diesel dudes always going on about torque torque torque.  

Why not feed every kid a free morning snack and a free lunch ? That way no one can complain that my taxes go to feed others kids.

When they merged they had chance to to start improving their products. 5 years later they are still making unreliable scrapheaps.

Meanwhile in semi related news:

One place I worked at some dude came off the street, plugged his electric scooter into the outdoor socket, chained up his ride and walked away. We quickly found the breaker for that socket and killed the power. The look on that guys face when he came back after 2 hours and we were trying not to laugh out loud.

Use a clothesline, save on energy costs and they beat up your clothes less.

0% loan is amazing but was that at the same price as cash ?

Is there a SUV or Crossover version of this car ? 

An expensivie truck with a pricey diesel option that gets worse fuel economy than a small car. 

He failed a drug test in 2014. He cried like a child after coming in second place in Rio. He refused a drug test in september 2018. Those are all embarassing things he did to himself. 

The correct answer is always Minivan.

Losing face is a big deal in Chinese culture.  But he brought it on himself.

Lives surrounded by animal poo.  She basically lives in a barn.

They could start by giving some money to ski areas to ramp up their snowmaking capacity. They know how to make snow better than anybody and there is a direct economic benefit. More snow = higher albedo.

I wish the riders would reserve their violence for the jerks that run beside them.