
Newsflash, Kloe is not that good looking. Any NBA player can pull someone hotter than her.  The only reason anyone with good options goes with her is just to see what this crazy ‘celebrity’ lifestlye is all about. 

This is why I rant about low profile tires.

A W also make a big deal how the beef they use is hormone and steroid free. It may not be totally organic, grass fed ect ect ect but its a step in the right direction and the consumer has a choice. I also notice how some A W locations the decor and furniture is all metal and wood, all recyclable products. Oh yeah now

A big part of the conflict is water, something both India and Pakistan are low on. Pakistan and India get a big bulk of their water from the Himalayas

My co worker used to live in Puerto Rico in the ‘80s and he said his hair was naturally super blond. He said black girls would would touch his hair all the time.

Looks Volga to me.

Thank God for youtube. It seems like youtube has killed off the ‘reality’ mechanics shows where the participants were encouraged to scream and yell and act like jerks.  “Yeah, look here, I got tattoos and black t shirts and crazy sunglasses !’

Ride your bike once in a while. The savings in wear and tear is probably more than gas savings. And the bus fare you saved is beer money.

Yeah Delicas used to be crawling all over North Van.

I used to ride right on the edge of the road, my right pedal basically hitting the sidewalk or my tires almost in the dirt.  Drivers still would give me no space, so fuck it, now I take the room I need. 

Here in Quebec you see some rusty cars but Dakotas take it to another level. Yikes !

The article is about Tesla as well. Tesla also admits that the Falcon doors were a big mistake, took way to much money to get right. Tesla should spend money on getting the car(s) right. Tesla 3 owner goes to dealer “Hey my car is prematurely rusting. Dealer says “Yeah but the Model S has popout door handles.” People

Did I say the model 3 ?  

They wasted valuable RD money on unreliable pop out door handles, which do nothing to enhance a car.

Thank God it still has the pushbutton parking brake. Pulling on that stick was such a chore.  

Does it have split folding rear seats ? Otherwise fail.  ALL sedans should have this !

At 1:28 of the original video he does the Sign of The Cross. God had plans for him.

These things still make sense for the milk runs. NYC-London, LA - Tokyo. NYC- LA. ect.

Car setup. I recall one prominent road racer saying setting up a car for ovals is more difficult than a road course. He said the oval setup had to be just right while road racing setup was a series of comprimises.

True to that. I grew up in montreal, lived in a few different places and now back in montreal. I always had that basic cheap car ethos. Even in nice suburban areas here you see plenty of Micras, 10 year old civics, rusty minivans ect. Even in rural parts of the province you dont see too many pickups and SUVs.